Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): WoodBridge Summer Camp Mini Kick

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Tiago DosSantos

Profile Summary

Tiago  DosSantos
Name: Tiago DosSantos
City: Union
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learning Outcomes:-Develop physical literacy                                 

                                      -Develop inside & outside turning techniques                               

                                      -Develop teamwork

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (10 mins)

Organization: 20 by 25 area

12 players

Instructions: taggers have 30 seconds to catch as many players as possible

if taggers catch a player, they must stand with their legs apart to make a tunnel and shout for help

to be freed, another player must crawl through their legs and onto the other side

Coaching Points: head up

change speed/change direction

Progressions: P-reduce size of area

R-reduce number of taggers

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery
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Ball Mastery (10 mins)

Organization: open area

6 players

1 ball per player

Instructions: coach will perform soccer move and say I can do this can you?

players will attempt to perform move and if they can, they will say I can do it too.

eventually coach gives players a chance to perform soccer move to stump the coach.

Coaching Points: eyes on coach

head up

specific technique

Progressions: P-increase level of difficulty with soccer move

R-allow players multiple chances to do soccer move

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1
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Main Theme 1 (25 mins)

Organization: 20 by 20 area

1 ball per player

Instructions: All players are on candy mountain.

Coach asks players what their different favorite type of candy bars are. Once this is known, each side of the mountain is given a candy bar name.

when the coach yells at a particular candy bar name, players must run to that side of the mountain

Coaching Points: try to remember the names of the side of candy mountains

perform specific turning technique

keep your ball close to you

Progressions: P-insert soccer ball

R-give time for all players to reach a side before calling out the next side

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2
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Main Theme 2 (25 mins)

Organization: 20 by 25 area with a 5 by 5 area

3 player

1 ball per player

Instructions: players have to dribble, turn, and go through as many gates as possible in a set time

players cannot go through the same gate twice

when time runs out, they have to get back to the cave as quickly as possible

one point each time you dribble, turn and go back through that gate

next game, players have to beat their previous score

Coaching Points: keep ball close to your body

head up

perform specific turn

use different parts of your feet

Progressions: P- less time now

R- allow players to perform any turn

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Scrimmage (30 mins)

Organization: 20 by 40 area divided into two 20 by 20 small sided fields

12 players

1 ball per game. additional on the outside

Instructions: players will be small sided games 3 v3 for a set time.

after set time is up, they will switch fields and play different team

ball goes out of bounds, play is restarted by coach

no corner kicks

goal is scored, play is restarted with kick-in infront of goal

if a goal is scored, scoring team must run back and touch their goal before defending

Coaching Points: keep ball close

use specific turning technique

know when to turn

head up

use different parts of your feet

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button