Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U13-U21 Session - Passing & Combinations

Profile Summary

Hubert Busby Jr
Name: Hubert Busby Jr
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ Warm-up
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FIFA 11+ Warm-up (10 mins)

FIFA 11+ - Proven to improve strength and reduce injury


Refer to if you want entire warm-up:

Part 1

The course is made up of six pairs of parallel cones, approximately 6 yards apart. Two players start at

the same time from the first pair of cones, jog along the inside of the cones and do the various exercises on the way. After the last cone, they run back along the outside. On the way back, speed

can be increased progressively as players warm up.

1. Jog through 5 times

2. Hip out (groin movement) - 2 sets

3. Hip in (groin movement) - 2 sets

4. Circle partner - 2 sets

5. Jumping with shoulder contact - 2 sets

6. Quick forward and backwards sprints - 2 sets

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 2 Monkey In The Middle

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 2 Monkey In The Middle
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4 v 2 Monkey In The Middle (20 mins)

Set up:

Groups of 4 or 5 in a 10 x 10 grid (grid size adjusted based on needs). Make grid as big as needed to be successful, as well as challenging.

How It Works:

Players are set up like in a 4 v 2 or 5 v 2 monkey in the middle game BUT there are no defenders. As per top left of picture. The focus is on constant movement and support habits. Even the far support should be in a habit of creating an angle for the pass.

Players will use anywhere from 1-3 touches to move the ball around at a HIGH tempo. 40-45 second rounds (2-4 rounds). Players are encouraged to mix it up: fakes, one touch passing, two touch passing. Rest can range from length of round or longer.

Players movement is critical.

An incentive for high intensity, everytime the movement isn't of maximum effort (e.g. support players don't move to support) a point is recorded which translates to burpees.


1. Immediate side support or support after making pass

2. Fakes realistic to the game

3. One touch/2 touch passing

4. Communication - verbal/non verbal

Progression 1:

Combine groups to make 4 v 2 or 5 v 2. Rotation in middle defenders. In bottom right of picture.

Restrict touches as needed (3 touch, 2 touch).

Progression 2:

Before receiving the ball, player has to call out cone colour of coach walking around the grid. This will improve the habit of checking their shoulder.


Same as above

4. Last second analysis (i.e. as player is about to make pass, need to read defenders movements on whether to continue with that option, fake, or play opposite way)

5. When player is too obvious in a playing option (e.g. as ball is coming they open up their body to where they are passing), to use that option as a fake.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Combinations with Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Combinations with Finishing
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Passing Combinations with Finishing (30 mins)

Set Up:

Set up 2 groups working at once (each group has their own goal to work on).

Players are divided into 3 lines. Two lines are facing the goal 25-30 yards away from it (10-15 yards apart). The other line is positioned on the side so that it doesn't interfere with play (about 10-15 yards away). Balls begin with one of the lines facing the goal. Players step in front of cone when it is there turn to go in line.

Positions are similar to a striker with 2 supporting midfielders.

How It Works:

Players will perform sequence then go to next line (either counter clockwise or clockwise).


1. Overlap: Player across from starting player moves in to create an overlap space. Player with ball passes it and begins overlap. Player who receives 1st pass has option of playing overlap pass or playing into striker.

If playing overlap, then overlapper looks to play striker to finish. If playing striker, then striker looks to play overlapper to finish.

We should have players try both options.

2. Forward Run: Player with ball passes into striker (who comes on angle to show for ball). Striker has option of laying off to same player or laying off to other midfielder. Midfielders then look to play the other midfielder to finish.

 We should have players try both options.

Progression 1:

Add 1 defender. Attackers try sequence vs. 1 defender. Defender must start behind the striker. Attackers are asked to start with 1 of 2 movements then adjust based on what they see/what defender does. Defenders can steal ball after 1st pass (defenders will try to cheat).

Progression 2:

Add 2 defenders. Attackers try sequence vs. 2 defenders. Defenders must start behind the forward (defenders will try to cheat).

Competition: A competition can be done between the groups, 1 team defends for 5 minutes, then the other team defends for next 5 minutes and team with most goals wins.


1. Mobility (before ball is played)

2. Disguise passes/Use Fakes

3. Continue run/Finish run

4. Determination to finish

5. Read Defenders' reactions to play optimal pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): King's Court With Focus on Movement

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): King's Court With Focus on Movement
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King's Court With Focus on Movement (25 mins)

Set Up:

25-35 x 15-20 Grid with goals (either open or with goalkeepers). 4 v 4 in grid. No more than 5 v 5.

How It Works:

We are looking for players to perform the creative movements from the previous part of the session.

1 point is scored from an overlap or forward run. if after making a forward run or overlap a goal is scored off that sequence then team gets 1 extra point totalling 3 (1 for movement, 1 for goal, and bonus for getting both done).

2-3 minute rounds, winner stays on.


Before receiving the ball, player has to call out cone colour of coach walking around the grid. This will improve the habit of checking their shoulder.

Keys (General: Width, Improvisation, Mobilty, Penetration, Support):

1. Mobility (before ball is played)

2. Disguise passes/Use Fakes

3. Continue run/Finish run

4. Determination to finish

5. Read Defenders' reactions to play optimal pass

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button