Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing and Recieving progressed to include decision making

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Christopher Hole

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Christopher Hole
Name: Christopher Hole
City: swansea
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked practice
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Blocked practice


In groups of 4 players to pass in a clockwise direction. Two balls at either end with players A and C. As A passes to the back foot of B, C passes to the back foot of D. Both B and D transfer the ball to the opposite side as shown in area 1. A then passes back to D, while C passes back to B. This ensures both sides of the body are worked as shown in area 2. Work for 1 minute, A and C then switch with the two middle men B and D.

Coaching Points

- Pass to the back foot of reciever

- Movement of reciever away to come to the ball

- Communication to ensure practice doesnt break down

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked practice progressed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked practice progressed
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Blocked practice progressed


Same passing situation as previous practice, but included movement from a central area. Player B and D start in a central area. They always recieve the ball off the same outside player (A to B and C to D) and transfer the ball across the grid to the same player (B to C and D to A). After 1 minute switch outfield players with inside players.

Coaching Points

- Pass to the back foot of reciever

- Movement of reciever away to wide area to recieve the ball

- Checking of the shoulder as movement is being made.

- Communication to ensure practice doesnt break down

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Progression

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Progression
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Variable Progression


B and D now take it in turn to recieve the ball of the outside servers. B and D now have to make a decision, these two different decisions are outlines in area 1 and area 2. B makes the same movement from the central area to the outside checking his shoulder, the decision B makes is based on his shoulder check. If C has a bib across his chest then he sets the ball back to A, if he hasnt he continues to transfer the ball across to C. The alternative is shown in area A where D has made his movement checked his shoulder can clearly see C is showing a yellow B and sets back to A. Continue for 5 turns each switch with outfield players.

Important points to consider

- Passing has to be crisp to ensure game realism of checking the shoulder

- Shoulder check is allowed when making the movement and as ball is travelling but not on receipt of the ball the decision has already had to have been made whether to pass forward or set back.

- Competition can be included between group members 1 point for correct decision made.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Progression 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Progression 2
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Variable Progression 2


To make the practice more game realistic, add a passive defender (yellow). The defender is only there to close down the attacker (blue) not to tackle. Attackers movement is away to come to the ball at an angle which is entirely up to the attacker. The server then plays the ball into the attacker , if the defender doesnt come with the attacker, the attacker can recieve the ball on the back foot and transfer ball across the grid (shown in area 1) If the defender closes down the attacker the attacker plays the ball back and peels away to come and recieve the ball off the same server and then if defender doesnt come with him transfer the ball across the grid.(shown in area 2)


Defender is now partially active, the defender can block the transfer of the ball from one side of the grid to the other. Attacking player to recieve 3 points for successful transfer, 1 point for 1 touch pass back to server if defender is tight (outside players to score).

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