Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Possession In Tight Spaces

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Corinth Soccer
Name: Corinth Soccer
City: Corinth
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo
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Rondo (15 mins)

Rondo is a very fun game! Its a game of possession that most elite clubs use to teach their players how to get out of tight spaces with possession and passing of the ball.

10v2 is shown in picture, can play 8v2.

To begin:

- The first pass is free

- Then play goes live

- The players on the outside must work together to keep possession of the ball

- The defensive players work together to win the ball, when they do, they replace player on the outside who made the mistake (bad touch, bad pass, let ball get past them, etc)

Fun Progressions:

1- Focus on working together to set up an opportunity play a split pass between the 2 defenders. If defenders get split 5 times, the coach can come up with a fun "punishment" like star jumps or donkey kicks (something to keep the players laughing)

2- Players on outside can attempt to get 30 passes, if so, the players in the middle must take a "lap of shame" around the grid.

Coaching points:

good quick passes, body facing the ball at all times, on your toes and ready to receive a ball, communication, and limit touches (1 touch if you can, 2 touch limit)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 2
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Rondo 2 (15 mins)

In this progression, it's 4v4+3, the first pass is always free.

The red players are neutral, they should be your 3 best ball handlers (Center Mid type players). 2 on the outside and one on the inside of the circle. They should rotate positions throughout the activity so that each has the opportunity to play in the middle.

The blue on the inside are playing defense as a unit. If they win the ball, from red or green, all 4 players will go to the outside and all 4 green players will become the defensive unit.

The green on the outside, works with the red to maintain possession of the ball. If they lose possession, they will become the defense and blue will come to the outside.

Coach feeds in a ball each time the ball is lost to ensure the tempo stays high.

Coaching points:

- always make the easiest and safest pass

- don't try to force passes

- communicate

- limit touches (one touch if you can, 2 touch maximum)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 3
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Rondo 3 (15 mins)

In this progression, it's 5v2.

Players work together to keep possession of the ball from the blue players. They attempt to complete 5 passes. Once they do, the ball is switched to teammate in other side of the grid and the rondo switches to that side of the grid. 1 red player must stay behind. The players are allowed to move up and down the lines of the sides of a grid to help maintain possession.

After 5 passes are completed each time, the play switches to the other side of the grid. The defense must follow follow to the other side of the grid to continue to try to win the ball.

Progression: Increase the number of passes to be completed before play is switched.

Coaching points:

- make the easiest and safest pass

- communicate

- limit touches on the ball

- play quick and transition quick

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+1 games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+1 games
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4v4+1 games (15 mins)

This progression, the play is 4v4+1. 2 simultaneous games.

To score a point, a team must complete 5 consecutive passes.

The space is tight, so the focus should be on short quick passes and movement off the ball to find what little space might be available.

Players should apply every concept from the 3 rondo progressions in this open play scenario.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 no goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 no goals
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11v11 no goals (20 mins)

FInal Progession is 11v11 play with no goals.

Points are scored by completing a certain number of passes consecutively (10, 15, 20, etc).

No keepers, and play in a traditional 4-4-2 formation.

Goal is to maintain possession of the ball using the whole field, but to apply concepts from previous progressions to get out of trouble in tight places with short, quick passes and then finding an open player in space.

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