Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): Futsal Game Play (Start Time: 2013-04-30 18:00:00)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Steve Nichol

Profile Summary

Steve Nichol
Name: Steve Nichol
City: Leeds
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scanning

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scanning
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Scanning (20 mins)


Warm-up designed to encourage players to scan and improve passing/reception.

1. Players in groups of three, one ball per group, pass and receive ball.


1. Can't receive from same colour.

2. Can't receive from or pass to same colour.

3. Individual players decide in their head which colour they cannot receive from.

4. When players receive the ball they take their first touch towards the same coloured corner from the player they received the ball from, i.e., if red receives from blue their first touch is towards the blue corner.

5. As 4 , but players perform a move to beat opponent towards coloured corner.


1. Scanning the pitch.

2. Reception/first touch.

3. Passing.


1. Perception and awareness.


1. Balance and coordination.

2. FFMs - passing and receiving.


1. Communication and organisation.

2. Leading and initiative.

Learning Objectives

1. Scan before receiving.

2. Execute decision quickly.

3. Scan - assess - decide - execute.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Futsal Game Play

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Futsal Game Play
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Futsal Game Play (70 mins)


Whole - part - whole.

1. Teams play normal futsal, 4v4 plus GK and 1 floater.

2. On losing possession defending team must retreat to their own half (they can only tackle in their own half).

3. One defender is allowed to step out of own half to pressure the ball, if they have not one the ball they must retreat back into own half (another defender can then step out).

4. 4 minute game - teams play normal futsal, when a team takes a goal lead they cannot score for the next four minutes, if they are successful the team are awarded another goal. If the other team score then the 4 minute restriction is then placed upon that team.


1. Receiving/first touch.

2. Passing.

3. Dribbling/moves to beat opponents.

4. Ball control.


1. How to break the lines - space, moves to beat opponent, forward runs, penetrating pass.

2. Circulation of the ball.

3. Controlling the tempo - when to slow or speed up play.

4. Formation - using a pivot to maintain possession.

5. Rotation of position.

6. Balanced approach to attacking - ready for loss of possession/counter attack.


1. All game related movements.


1. Sharing team responsibility, i.e., taking positions within the formation for the benefit of the team.

2. Patience - possession with a purpose, rather than over-risk taking to score.

3. Confidence - to break the lines.

Learning Objectives

1. Breaking down a compact team with possession.

2. Balanced approach in attack.

3. Rotation - players switch between attacking and defending positions.

4. Ciruclation of the ball & patience in attack.

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