Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing and movement (Start Time: 2013-11-22 22:15:00)

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Derek Evans

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Derek Evans
Name: Derek Evans
City: Cardiff
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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A session focused on passing and movement, introducing communication and teamwork to younger players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (10 mins)

Organisation: An area marked out 30 x 30m. 16 players, into pairs with a ball per pair.

Warm up:

In pairs, with a ball per pair.

After a pass is made, you dribble the ball into space, then pass it to your partner.

Continue the process, moving into space after you have passed the ball.

Use your dribbling skills to take lots of touches of the ball before passing the ball to your partner.

Communication - talk to each other to say where you are moving to or want the ball passed to, etc

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & follow

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass & follow
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Pass & follow (15 mins)


6 players. 5 cones. 1 ball. Area approximately 20x20 m. Cones spaced evenly out to resemble a pentagon shape. Each player stands by a cone, but two players stand at cone 1.


Starting at cone 1, player 1 has the ball and passes it to player 2. After doing so, they run and stop at cone 2. Player 2 then controls the ball, and passes the ball to player 3 and runs to cone 3, and so on.


Rather than go clockwise, change direction at different times.

Try to control using your back foot, and pass with your other foot


Have player 6 race the ball around the pentagon - can they get around the shape faster than the ball can travel?

If you have two of these set up, can one team beat the other by getting the ball around quicker than the other team?

How many passes can a team make in one minute?

Coaching points:

Passing: Look at your target

Focus on the ball

Is your striking foot and ankle locked and firm?

Non striking foot next to the ball

Strike the centre of the ball with the inside part of your foot

Follow through towards the target

Control of the ball: Be on the balls of your toes

Get in line with the ball

Decide and present surface towards the ball

Relax on impact - your foot should act like a 'sponge'

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and follow diamond

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and follow diamond
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Pass and follow diamond (15 mins)


6 players; 4 cones spread out about 10 m apart in a diamond shape; 1 ball (have others spare)

Players line up as above. 2 players at cones 1 and 3. one player each on cones 2 and 4.

Aims and objectives:

Starting at cone 1, the first player passes the ball to the player at cone 2 then follows the ball. The sequence continues.

Players are practicing short passing, movement, communication and teamwork.


Introduce a second ball

Change direction

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (15 mins)


An area about 30 x 30 m marked as a square.

10 players. Different coloured bibs to distinguish teams and 'neutral' players


Aims and objectives:

Encourage passing, control, communication, teamwork and movement


Players on the yellow and blue teams are to be encouraged to pass the ball to the 'neutral' players (in red) and receive the ball back. If they do, they get a point.

- Rotate neutral players

- If you have a spare player or coach, use them as another 'neutral' player

Let the players learn for themselves, that its easier to do smaller passes and move the ball to different neutral players to create space.

First to a number of points or play for 10 minutes


The neutral players cannot pass back to the player that passed the ball to them - thats it!

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