Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Attacking from Full Back Positions

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Tom Connor @tomconnor88
Name: Tom Connor @tomconnor88
City: Edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session is completely focused towards the attacking principle of overlapping. Especially from Full back areas. Creating overloads is what creates opportunities to delivery quality balls and ultimatley score goals.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Technical Practice (10 mins)


Players are in groups of 3. Simple over lapping passing drill moving from one side of the grid to another.

One, Two, One, the third pass being a through ball for the over lapping runner.

When each group reaches the other end, pass the ball to waiting group to go the other way and proceed to dynamic stretch to the end cones and back ready to receive the ball.

This should be done so that one member of each group leads the stretches each time and they last long enough so they return to the line just in time to receive the ball.

Coaching Points

Weight of pass must be good. Accuracy of the set and movement of the overlapping player must be good.

The movement of the first player to receive in the practice needs to be coached. This is an out to in run, creating space for the overlapping player.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice: Overlapping

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice: Overlapping
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Technical Practice: Overlapping (20 mins)


6 players in each group organised as shown.

Simple passing and moving sequence that gets the "Full Back" overlapping the midfielder.

Once the passes are completed players move to their new positions and the practice continues on the other side.

CM player never moves.

Coaching Points

Accuracy of passes have to be good.

Control away from the body and in the direction of play.

Coach CM movement away from centre cone (Defender).


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Practice: Overlapping & Crossing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Practice: Overlapping & Crossing
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Functional Practice: Overlapping & Crossing (15 mins)


7 minutes on each side.

Functional practice to force a crossing opportunity from an overlapping runner.

Once the two attacking players have made their passes they must angle their run around the tall cone and get an attempt on target.

Coaching Points

The Cross: Varied but good delivery. Make it match realistic therefore speed movement and delivery is vital.

Look to have the players meet inside the POMO position. This is the area where more goals will be scored dueto space being created by the first runner.

1 or 2 touch delivery

The FWD movement:

1st player goes front post. This takes CB deep and wider than they would want to be. The second runner then goes towards the penalty spot where space willbe created offering the opportunity to score.

Scoring: Confidence to meet the ball

Vary the types of finish.

1st time finish.


Add two CB's and a 3rd man running from the other side.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase of Play: Competitive

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase of Play: Competitive
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Phase of Play: Competitive (15 mins)


4v4 +1 in the middle. 2 ST for each team.

Teams look to make 4 passes in the centre then use a 3rd man run to create an overlap down one wing.

Both ST attack the cross and the 3rd man also enters the box to give 3 target players forthe crosser.

Once the cross has been made the coach plays another ball into the centre. With the crosser and 3rd man out of position it is a 5v2 in the centre to help create an attack forthe other team.

GK's are encouraged to distribute back to the coach.

1 point for succesfully creating the attack. 5 points for a goal.

Coaching Points

Attack at the right time.

Positions in the centre are still important. Box shape to offer width and depth with neutral player offering inside because you cannot rely on him defensively.

Communication is now paramount! who is the runner, ST and 3rd man?

Delivery must be good.

Development: if spare players they can play as CB's

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Adapted Match: Opt 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Adapted Match: Opt 1
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Adapted Match: Opt 1 (30 mins)



1 CM in each team plus neutral player must stay in the central area to begin with. This is to allow the coach to highlight the need for angles and opposties to help create an overload in wide areas.

The first phase shown here is creating the overlap.

As the neutral player shows for the ball from the defender, the opposition should press forcing the player to play back or across to the RB in this case. (if they dont press, turn and lodge attack - punish bad habits)

The supporting CM now moves higher than the pressing defender and recieves unopposed from the RB.

RW angles their run to receive and is direct towards the opposition LB and CB channel. This creates space for the overlapping runner and an overload is created.

1st time finish in the box.

GK's must roll or play on the ground to feet.

Dont force it!

Coaching Points

Patient build up play.

Communication is again vital as many of the overloads are created by a 3rd runner.

Angles & Opposites with CM's (stop & coach)

Demand a high standard of delivery and runners attacking the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Adapted Match: Opt 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Adapted Match: Opt 2
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Adapted Match: Opt 2


Opt 2 is the same game with the same rules. Only this time the RW is using the overlapping player as a dummy runner to widen the channel between the LB & CB.

This gives the RW an option to shoot fom outside the area or if closed down as shown they can look to combine with the ST to allow them to score or slide the ball behind and score 1st time inside the box.

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