Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Indoor Academy 2014-15 u8-10: Phase 1, Session 3 Small Sided Activities

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Alex Sabatini

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Alex Sabatini
Name: Alex Sabatini
City: kleinburg
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Players will engage in small sided activities to learn attacking role and insights through 1 v 1, 2 v 2, and small group activities..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 duel

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 duel
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1 v 1 duel (20 mins)


-Activty takes place in an area of 20 x 8. Make 2 of these areas at Trio if necessary.

-Blue start as defenders and line up at side gate with a ball each and the Red start as attackers and line up blue gate.

-Player A dribbles and stops the ball in front of the attacking player B. He/she then runs through gate and looks to recover. As soon as Player A has stopped the ball, player be runs to gain possession of the ball and seeks to dribble through one of the end red gates. (adjust distance blue is stopping the ball from red so he/she has the opportunity at minimum to defend from the side)..

-If Player A wins the ball he/she seeks to return it to one of the coaches who functions as the target player or must shield the ball for 3 seconds upon gaining possession.

-Max 12 seconds and play is DEAD

-Keep score and make it competitive...2 points for RED if they are successful and 1 point to BLUE if they shield for 3 seconds or pass ball to coach

-Red and blue switch roles every 5 minutes 2x's

Coaching points...

-Dribble at speed at defender with outside of foot (pinky toe-push)....Touches get smaller as player approches defender

-Use creativity (a move/manipulation) to unbalance a defender.

-Distance of execution of move 1-2 yds from defender

-eye on ball on execution

-change of speed

-If beyond defender, cut across his/her recovery path

-raise and straighten your arm to hold off recovering defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 v 2 Duel

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 v 2 Duel
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2 v 2 Duel (20 mins)

Progression.. 2 v 2

Same as Above except 2 v 2 ..

 A second attacker joins red, and a second blue joins to make a 2 v 2

 If Blue(defenders) win the ball they drible over the "endline" for a point

 Keep score and make it competitive..Red and blue switch roles every 5 minutes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 3 to targets north/south east/west gamee

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 3 to targets north/south east/west gamee
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3 v 3 to targets north/south east/west gamee (20 mins)


In the 20 x 20 area at Trio play 3 v 3 to targets - North/South and East/west small sided activity. Add neutral(s) player if need be to aid in success or add additional targets contingent on your number of players.

 Teams seek to keep possession and score a point by passing to their target player; They then look to receive the ball back and attack in the opposite direction for an additional point. Red attacks North and South and Blue East and west.

Keep score and make it competitive! Rotate players every 5 minutes!

Possible progressions(for u9 or u10 if needed):

-When a player passes to a target he exits the area and becomes the NEW target player and the target who received the ball enters the grid and continues the attacking phase.

-team must make "x" amount of passes before they can pass to a target player

-condition player touches

 Coaching points

-passing and receiving key factors

-dispersal/width(make the field BIG when in possession)

-support play(good angles and timing),

-movement/mobility (move to support)


-penetration- can you pass between or around defenders to penetrate and eliminate defenders, penetrate on the dribble if you are 1 v 1(where, how, why)... Can players "combine" to eliminate defenders ie: wall pass, overlap, 3rd man runs?)

-3 p's(patience , possession, penetration).

-Do our players know what the term "RE-LOAD" means? if you cant pass forward or horizontally to a teammate(s) we can always pass backwards to a support player to maintain possession!

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button