Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Boys 01 DA - Finishing - 17May16 (Start Time: 2016-05-17 20:00:00)

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Pro-Club: Prince William Soccer

Michael Cullina

Profile Summary

Michael Cullina
Name: Michael Cullina
City: Fairfax, VA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Circle Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Circle Passing
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Circle Passing (20 mins)

Circle Passing Exercise

Activities - 90 seconds

Progression 1: A passes to B. B passes to A. B returns 1-2 to A. A and B switch positions

Progression 2: A passes to B. B passes to C. C dribbles. A replaces C.

Progression 3: A passes to B. B passes to C. B overlaps C. C dribbles inside and passes back to B. A replaces B.

Progression 4: A passes to B. B passes to C. B overlaps C. C passes to A. A passes to B. A replaces B.

Progression 5: A passes to B. B passes to C. B overlaps C. C passes to A. C underlaps A. A passes to B. B passes to C. A replaces C.

Coaching Points

Accuracy/weight of pass | Communcation | Timing of Runs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing/Bangu Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing/Bangu Finishing
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Crossing/Bangu Finishing (30 mins)

Crossing/Bangu & FInishing

Set-up: Wall pass set up on the flank. Pass-set, driven ball set up opposit cross. Balls at 1 and 2.

Organization: Players are organized into three groups. Defenders may be added.

Activity: Group 1 plays a wall pass. Crosser passes ball through gate and runs around gate to get hips facing second six yard area. Crosser becomes wall for second rotation. Group 2 plays a short pass and set with original passer driving ball low and hard through goal box. Group 3 is organized with pairs making near and far post run. After 1st ball is crosses, group 3 re-organizes for second ball. Players in Group 3 who are resting finish any ball that comes to top of box.

Rotation within each group with 2-3 minute activities at each group location.

Coaching Points

Technical ball striking | Timing & accuracy of runs | Finishing technique | Match speed

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Continuous

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Continuous
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4v2 Continuous (20 mins)

4v2 Continuous

Game is played 4v2 + GK. Players join the game in pairs and stay on for three rotations (attack-defend-attack).

Games are played to 10 or timed.

Transition - when ball crosses endline of team with one pair OR ball in hand of GK for team with one pair OR ball in possession by team with one pair passes ball back to next pair...

Team with 2 pair - pair on longest is off, other team stays on to defend

Team with 1 pair - new pair joins existing pair to make 4

Coaching Points

Immediate transition | Attacking mobility | Patience in possession | Isolate 2v1 | Defensively eliminate attackers | Communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting - Team Volley

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting - Team Volley
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Shooting - Team Volley (20 mins)

Shooting - Team Volley

Set-up: Two teams.

Activity: Blue chips or tosses ball to teammate in shooting zone. Shooter must take two touches without the ball touching the ground and shoot on goal. Once ball crosses end line, Red goes. Shooter becomes the goalkeeper.

Coaching Points

Technical shooting - plant foot / follow through / ankle locked | Choose proper surface

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