Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing & Receiving (WSSL) (Start Time: 2014-04-03 16:05:00)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Carl Spence

Profile Summary

Carl Spence
Name: Carl Spence
City: New Milford
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Improvement on the overall Cooperative and Compititive nature of the team based on information received from Sue in coachin Education

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing WP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing WP
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Passing WP (10 mins)


1.10 x 40 yard areas, set up as shown

2.Players divided into pairs

3.1 ball per pair of players


1.Players attempt to pass ball through legs of partner

2. If ball goes through legs without touching (2pts)

3. If ball touches legs and still make it through (1pt)

4. When partner receives the ball he repeats task

5. First team to 10pts win

Coaching Points:

1. angle of approach

2.Place Non–kicking foot to the side of the ball pointing towards target

3. Use inside surface of kicking leg to guide ball towards target

4.Strike the middle (off center) of the ball

5.Follow through for power


1.P - Increase distance of pass

2.P - Players can only pass with weaker foot

3. Make comptetition between just the pair

3.P - Partner stands infront of cone with legs open

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main 1
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Main 1 (15 mins)


1. Area is 40x40 area or whatever space you have

2. Players work in pairs/ one ball


1. Player 1 passes a ball into Player 2

2. Player 1 is immediately release with his/her pass

3. Player 1 must try to close down space between him/herself and Player2

4. Player 2 must take first touch away from pressure then dribble into space left by player one

5. Player 2 then repeats the activity acting as player 1

Coaching Points:

1. Players must make eye contact before executing pass

2. Player 2 must attack the ball and receive on the move.

3. Defending player must not try to win the ball


1. defenders can try to win the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO
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RONDO (10 mins)


4-5 Players set up as shown

area is 10X10 yard square

One ball


- Players in red (attackers) try to keep ball away from defender in the middle

- If defender wins/intercepts the ball then he/she takes place of the attacker that lost the ball

- 6-8 Passes or a nutmeg (ball through the legs of defender) means the defender stays an extra round

Coaching Points:

-passes should be sharp out of the feet

- pass the ball to teammates/attackers leading foot

- communication about where to pass or what foot to pass to

- open body motion/angle of approach before receiving pass

- defender should hustle to win the ball as fast as possible


P1 - defender can only get out be winning ball possession

P2 - attackers are only allowed to use one/two touches to pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition Game
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Condition Game (15 mins)


- 8 players playing 4V4 set up as shown

- 20X20 yard playing area

Coach becomes referee


Players are encourage to pass when the see an open player

And shoot when they dont

Coaching Points:

- Use laces to shoot at all times

- Players should communicate I'm open to teammates when they are in good positions

- Players should SHOOT when they see no option to pass


1. Players must shot before half field and only score in opposition half it its a rebound.

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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