Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing IV

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Alexis Nieves-Richards

Profile Summary

Alexis Nieves-Richards
Name: Alexis Nieves-Richards
City: Highlands Ranch
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)


1. 40 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2. 10 players (2 team s of 5) set up as shown

3. 9 balls (Additional around the outside)


1. Teams score by knocking their opposition’s balls off the cones.

2. 1st to knock down all 4 balls is the winner

Coaching Points:

1. Supporting foot is next to the ball, pointed at target

2. Ankle locked, toe up

3. Follow through towards target with striking foot remaining open throughout

4. Body weight over the ball


1. P – Make the amount of balls the players have to knock off smaller

2. R – If it is taking a while to knock the balls down, make the field larger so there is more room to play

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme (15 mins)


1. 15 x 15 yard area set up as shown

2. 6 Players (2 Attackers, 2 Defenders, 2 Neutrals)

1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1. Players set up 2v2 in the area with 2 neutrals on the outside

2. Attacking team must keep possession in the area

3. Attacking team scores a point for linking up w ith a neutral player to create a numbers up scenario

4. Attacking team gets an additional 5 points if they keep possession for every 10 passes com pleted

5. If the defending team wins the ball they become the attacking team

6. Should the ball go out of play, a neutral will restart play by passing to the attacking team . This pass is free but not counted towards points

7. Play continues for 5 minutes before changing the neutral players

Coaching Points:

1. Player movement off the ball

2. Specific passing techniques

3. Weight and accuracy of pass

4. Disguise your pass


1. P – two touch/one touch

2. P – make area smaller (10 x 1 0 yard area)

3. R – Passive defending (defender must force the ball out of play only)

4. R – Make area larger (20 x 20 yard area)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme (15 mins)


1. 30 x 20 yard area set up as shown

2. 4 players (1 Attacker, 1 Defender, 2 Plus One’s) set up as shown

3. 1 ball (A dditional around the outside)


1. Plus-ones for the attacking team starts with the ball (marked 1 in the diagram )

2. Plus-ones for each team are only permitted to stay within the defensive half of the field

3. Plus-ones are not permitted to tackle or score

4. Attacker must check to the ball and attempts to score in the goal

5. The attacker has the option of using the plus one to combine if they choose

6. If the ball leaves the area the game restarts with the opposition’s plus-one

7. If defending team wins the ball they attack the opposite goal

8. Plus-ones can be tackled if defending player chooses to defend them

9. Rotate players after set time intervals

Coaching Points:

1. Check to the ball

2. Receive sideways on

3. Knowing when to turn and when to shield

4. If defender is tight look to receive the ball in the space behind with a double pass


1. P – Limit the plus-one to one or two touches

2. R – Allow attacking player one free touch to receive the ball before defending player is permitted to tackle

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme (15 mins)


1. 60 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2. 12 players (4 Attackers, 4 Defenders, 4 Target players)

3. 1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1. Teams set up in the three different zones (defenders in the middle zone, attackers and target players at the end)

2. Attacking team pass amongst them selves (only using two touches) till every person on the team touches the ball

3. Players score a point if they can get the ball through to the target team without the defending team stopping the ball

4. Players score 2 points if the ball travels through the defending team on the ground w ithout being touched

5. If the defending team stops the ball, they switch with the team that lost possession

6. If the ball goes out play restarts with the team w ho were receiving the ball

Coaching Points:

1. Angle of approach

2. Head up to observe your target

3. Specific Technique

4. Weight and Accuracy of Pass

5. Disguise your pass

6. Look for the opening between players


1. P – Only allowed one touch

2. P – Send a defender in to pressure the ball

3. R – Take out touch restrictions

4. R – Decrease the defending zone to 10 x 30 yard area

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (15 mins)


1. 50 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2. 12 players (4 Attackers, 4 Defenders, 4 Feeders – 2 on each side)

3. 1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1. Teams score points by combining with either of their team’s target players into one of the two pugg goals

2. Ball must go directly to the target player otherwise the ball is out of play

3. Target players are allowed two touches only

4. Target players are not allowed to cross into the field of play nor are defenders allowed to tackle target players

5. Once a goal has been scored play restarts with the conceding team at their goal line

6. Ball is kicked in for a restart

Coaching Points:

1. Angle of approach

2. Head up to observe your target

3. Specific Technique

4. Weight and Accuracy of Pass

5. Disguise your pass


1. P – Target players are only allowed one touch

2. P – Two touches for every player

3. R – Take away restrictions for target players

4. R – Pile of balls by each target so that if the ball doesn’t reach them they can start from w here they are

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