Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting_19.04.2014 (Start Time: 2014-04-19 10:45:00)

Profile Summary

Nuno Rosa
Name: Nuno Rosa
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Technique Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Technique Practice
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Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Technique Practice (20 mins)

Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting session 19.04.2014

Technique Practice:

Set up: Half of a junior pitch with 2 full size goals in each end.

2 teams of 6 players in 2 different colours RED and BLUE.

Place 3 blues and 3 reds on each side of the goals so you will have 3 reds and 3 blues in 1 side and the same on the other.

1 ball per group

Session starts with 1 group of 3 players playing the ball between them until they reach the goal on the other side of the pitch and finish with a SHOT on goal.

To start each group goes alternatively from different ends.

Key factors to coach and to look fo: Passing Execution:

•Heads up •Approach

•Good passing/Pass positively •Striking foot

•Finishing/finishing skills •Ball contact

•Setup for the shot •Follow through

•Observation •1 touch or more

•Quick support •Accuracy/Disguise

•Time: eliminate defender

•Weight? Easily received


•To start each group goes alternatively from different ends.

•1 group/team opposite colour from each side goes at the same time

•1st group/team to score first gets 1 point

•1st team same colour 3 reds +reds to score win the game

•Set a finishing line so players have to score before that line of cones

•Set record of time the quickest group to score gets a point.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 1
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Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 1 (20 mins)

Skill Practice:

Set up: Half of a junior pitch with target zone at each end full size goals in each end will be used on the progression later.

2 teams wearing RED and BLUE of 2 players each and 2 Neutral target players, 1 in each target zone

Session starts with 1 target player playing the ball to the RED team and the objective of the game is to get the ball to both target zones without been intercepted by the opposition team.

If the Blue team gains possession they now have to score reaching both target zones. 2v2 applies

Key factors to coach and to look for: Support in attack:

•Observation •Create space to receive

•Penetration playing forward •With the ball

•Retention- Keep the ball •For others

•Protection- can’t play forward can we keep possession •Support in front & behind the ball

•Awareness- Ball/team mates/opponents/decision •When and where to move

•Forward runs in advance of the ball/play in the space before or same time of the ball moved

Attack Principles: Create/maintain/Exploit SPACE


•Add a Neutral player in the middle SCREEN SCENARIO 2

•Add 2 Neutral players on the outside to create overloads SCREEN SCENARIO 2

•Change formation for 3v3 / 4v4 SCREEN SCENARIO 2

•Add goal at the end so the Target players become GK SCREEN SCENARIO 3

•Use the end/target zone for finishing line and Offside line SCREEN SCENARIO 3

•Time watch the quickest team to score in 2 goals. SCREEN SCENARIO 3

Neutral players play for the team in possession and when GK become always play the ball to the team who scores. SCREEN SCENARIO 3

Make the pitch bigger if difficult

Make the pitch smaller if it becomes easy


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 2
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Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 2


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 3
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Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Skill Practice 3


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Small Sided Game
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Nuno Rosa Passing/Supporting Small Sided Game (30 mins)

Small Sided Game Session

12 players, 4 vs 4 in the central area with 2 players in GREEN on the outside area, all play to support the team in possession.

The team in possession needs to create space to try and lose markers, players not in possession looking to create space for themselves.

Key Points:

• Players should learn when to run with the ball and when to pass bringing in earlier techniques from previous sessions.

• Players should also recognise when to support and when to run with the ball – once again good control is vital.

• All players should be aware of protecting defensive space when a colleague breaks out with the ball.

Key factors to coach and to look for:

Passing selection:

•Retain or risk possession

•Ball in the feet or space

•Beyond all defenders

•Beyond MOST defenders

•Switch Play? Why? How?

•Play Square

•Play Backwards

Finishing: A, B, C…… Adjustments, Basics, Clever

•Adjust to the flight of the ball

•Attack ball at optimum point

•Head contact/Ball contact

•Generate power! How???

Progression: None

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button