Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): DTA 6

Profile Summary

Hubert Busby Jr
Name: Hubert Busby Jr
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dome 1 Set Up/Fifa 11+

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dome 1 Set Up/Fifa 11+
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Dome 1 Set Up/Fifa 11+ (10 mins)

Field Organization

- Dome 1 is broken into 3 parts - Blue Team on field 1 - White Team on field 2 - Yellow Team on field 3

Session Schedule

- Start of session - player talk/debrief (5 minutes) - Divide players into color teams (i.e. into their Blue, White and Yellow teams) - Each team goes into their field number (i.e. Blue goes to Field 1, etc.) with the Technical Staff Coach

- Have each Head Coach divide his/her team into equal teams (maximum 8 per team -- 6v6, 7v7 or 8v8)

- Give each team their own color pinnie (Blue or Red) - Start Warm-Up: Part 1 of FIFA 11+ USE FAR PART OF FIELD - Middle Line Divides Into 2 sections (10 minutes) - Tight Touches Dribbling (see section for details) - Shooting technique & Shooting On Goal - SSG with emphasis on shooting (see section for details) - player talk/debrief (5 minutes)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving
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Passing and Receiving (20 mins)

Set up:

Manikin or a cone is set up like a player 8-10 yards (coaches preference) from server. Another cone is 1-2 yards behind manikin with another player holding a red and yellow cone 5 yards behind.

How It Works:

Player working around manikin makes runs on both sides to receive ball and pass. Service should be arriving as the player working is coming to receive the ball.

The player behind the active player is moving in the same direction and is holding up a red or yellow cone for the active player to call out before receiving the ball.

Each player will work for 30-40 seconds. Repeat skills as needed.


1. 2 touch (receive and ass with far foot - safe side) - movement should be to turn sideways by opening up body

2. One touch - movement should be to turn sideways by opening up body

3. One touch, then back up on angle while calling out colour again and play 2 touch before moving to other side. It is important for player holding cones to move inside so that active player can see cone as they are backing up to receive.

4. Receive around manikin/cone across to other side, take touch out with inside foot and use laces to hit towards partner (3 touches), then back up on angle while calling out colour again and play 2 touch before moving to other side. It is important for player holding cones to move inside so that active player can see cone as they are backing up to receive.

Active player then comes forward to perform skill on other side.

5. Server comes closer (within 5 yards). Server serves ball from hands and active player returns with inside of foot volley. Right then left.

6. Server comes closer (within 5 yards). Server serves ball from hands and active player returns with head.


1. As player aproaches, layers hop step/set themselves up to play as quickly as possible

2. 1st touch control (with middle of foot) and pass with middle of foot

3. Check shoulder as receiving

4. Passes should be made away from manikin (safe side)

5. Automatic movement after pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cross & Finish + Cut Back to Shoot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cross & Finish + Cut Back to Shoot
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Cross & Finish + Cut Back to Shoot (35 mins)

Set up:

Line with balls are 15-20 yards away from goal on one side. Receiving line is 15-20 yards away from goal on opposite side. Another cone is placed 5 yards further inside as a point for the crosser to know when to cross.

One group works on left foot crossing, while the other works on right foot crossing before switching sides.

How It Works:

Player with ball does a little fake to cut inside so that they can make a pass out wide. Player out wide moves to receive then takes 1st touch forward to set up cross.

Player running in box has option of coming inside or outside (left of picture). It is important players delay their runs until the cross is ready to be played.

After player finishes they grab ball and go back of the same line and crosser goes to the back of the crosser lines.

Groups can switch roles after 5 minutes.

Progession 1:

Groups switch sides so that they practice left/right foot crossing and finishing.

Coach will act as a passive defender. Players will look to start the early run and coach will run quickly back to stop cross in front of goal. Player reacts and cuts back towards the middle to receive cut back for quick touch and shot. (Right of picture.)

After players are comfortable with movement then players can rotate to passive defending after they shoot.

Rotate after 5 minutes.

Progression 2:

Attackers become defender. Defenders must start within touch distance of attacker after attacker makes pass so there is room for attacker to try different movements.

Attacker has 3 options and should probably combine movements to fool defender.


1. Timing/Angle of runs (making runs based on crosser)

2. Eye contact/non verbal and verbal communication between attackers

3. Change of pace

4. Eye on ball and defender

5. Attack ball and get body behind shot

6. Don't need to kill it (inside of foot usually on 1 touch shots)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 with Support Players

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 with Support Players
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4 v 4 with Support Players (20 mins)

Set Up:

Grid is 25 x 15. 4 v 4 in middle with support players on side. If there is an odd number than make a neutral player within the game. There will be 2 support wide options in each end to help create shot opportunities.

Rotate Neutral players every 3 min.

Progression 1:

Cone check before receiving (player calls out cone colour coach is holding before receiving).

Progression 2:

Remove cone check and make it that players only have max 4 passes in opponents half before they must shoot.

Keys (General: Depth, Width, Improvisation, Mobility, Penetration):

1. Look for space to create shooting opportunities

2. Check shoulders to know what is around (i.e space to shoot or set someone else up to shoot)

3. Apply shooting key concepts when striking

4. Apply concepts from crossing and finishing.

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