Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defending 1v1

Profile Summary

Shane Smits
Name: Shane Smits
City: Burnley
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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A session to coach 1v1 defending

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technique
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Session Objective: Defending 1v1

Organisation: Area set up as shown, area can be adjusted depending on number of players taking part. Working in pairs with a ball for each pair, players take turns trying to nut-meg each other, player defending is to let the player attacking try and nut-meg him/her, defenders should be stood side on with knees slightly bent and on there toes contstantly jockeying the attacker making it very hard for the attacker to nut-meg them.


Use a smaller area. Stand side on with weaker foot.

Key Factors:

Stand side on.

Knees slightly bent, weight even between legs (well balanced), on your toes.

Feet shoulder width apart, one foot forward.

Eyes on the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill
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Session Objective: Defending 1v1

Organisation: Area set up as shown, Defender starts with the ball in the goal, attacker stands next to a post. Defender plays a ball for the attacker to run on to, after a 2 count the defender can close the ball down and use the techniques used in the technique part of the session. attacker has 10 seconds to try and score, if defender wins the ball he/she is to make a counter run into shaded area. players to take turns defending/attacking.


Stand side on with weaker foot, 2v2 defending

Key Factors:

Stand side on.

Knees slightly bent, weight even between legs (well balanced), on your toes.

Feet shoulder width apart, one foot forward.

Close down quickly but slow down on approach.

Get close enough to make the attackers head drop.

Tackle with your lead foot (but only if your sure you can win the ball)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Session Objective: Defending 1v1

Organisation: Pitch set up as shown, players score a goal/point by dribbling into the end zone

Key Factores:

Stand side on.

Knees slightly bent, weight even between legs (well balanced), on your toes.

Feet shoulder width apart, one foot forward.

Close down quickly but slow down on approach.

Get close enough to make the attackers head drop.

Tackle with your lead foot (but only if your sure you can win the ball)


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