Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 2004 Boys Indoor #12

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Pro-Club: OSU Force Academy

Jim Extra

Profile Summary

Jim Extra
Name: Jim Extra
City: Stittsville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Offensive Functional

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Offensive Functional
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Offensive Functional (30 mins)

Offensive Functional

Pretty simple really. Set up your players on the offensive half (all but defenders but I guess you could add them as well if you like) and give them a pattern to move the ball that you'd like to see.

I look at where we are gettign the ball in the game and the flow is bad. Often enough at U12 that means in the CM when they don't know what to do.

So get a bunch of balls at half in my case and draw up different patterns. I'd have the CM pass to the other holding cm, open up to the winger who would play a one-two with the striker and get deep in the corner for a cross. I would then change it up and have the winger find the attacking CM who would open up and finding a gapping pass to the opposite winger for the cross etc. There are any number of permutations that you can bring to the table. The goal is to get the kids some reps in the offensive third and see where their spacing is etc.

Coaching points

always be involved even if the ball isn't coming to you in the scenario since in a game it may very well be coming to you

details on your passes etc (all of the receiving on half turn, check should, fix shape, check away, check to, communication etc.)

Talk to them about how to approach the ball on a cross (ie don't be in there waiting for the ball, move in from the top of the 18, vary your runs, criss cross if you can etc.)

Talk to the wingers about variety in their crosses (sometimes low driven, sometimes middle driven, sometimes a lob far post, sometimes a set pass back to the top fo the box etc.)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #1
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Jail Game Progression #1 (20 mins)

Jail Game Progression #1

A line of players behind a cone with balls. Another line of players next to them without balls. A 3rd line again next to them on the other side without balls. The ball is passed backwards and sideways to one of the partners and play commences. The 3 players attack the defenders. Like the original Jail game, after the pass make the movement run. This time, the third player involved has to react based on the first players run.


The player who makes the first pass has 3 options, overlap, run across the face of the defender or run behind the defender. The player receiving the pass's goal is to take a positive touch towards the defender and create a 2 vs 1. The key now is to take what the defender gives you. If the defender tries to take the ball, make a pass. If the defender tries to disrupt the pass, work a trick and beat the defender. The 3rd player who did not pass or receive the pass is trying to either draw the attention of one of the defenders to allow for a 2 vs 1 with his teamates or if he doesn't draw the defender, can he find a gap to get into and get to net.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #2
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Jail Game Progression #2 (10 mins)

Jail Game Progression #2

A line of players behind a cone with balls. Another line of players next to them without balls. A 3rd line again next to them on the far side without balls. The line in the middle is the striker. Play commences as this striker runs between the 2 defenders and checks to the ball. Defenders must allow the striker to receive and now play begins. The 3 players attack the defenders based on where the passer moves. If the passer overlaps then the player not involved must prepare for a set pass in order to give support to the striker. If the passer prepares with an agle for a set then the 3rd player can split wide and up attempting to draw the attention of the defender and create a 2 vs 1.


Striker must check his inside shoulder after the check off, fix his shape and receive on the half turn. Now it's time to read and react to what the defense does.

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