Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Target Players - 4v2 - Possession

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Michael Fox

Profile Summary

Michael Fox
Name: Michael Fox
City: Peterborough
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Practice that looks at Passing/Receiving/Awareness and movement off of the ball. Progession also begans to look at breaking lines with passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession
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Possession (20 mins)

Organisation -

4 v 2 in each area. with Target Player at each end. Possession based game. Working on being relaxed in possession

Conditions -

Limited Touches - 2 touch/ 1touch

Challenges -

Try to always be an option to receive

Try to know what you want to do before you receive (Awareness)

Try to find the spare man

Learning Objectives Team - Practice to develop players awareness and movement off the ball in order to receive a pass. Also looks at breaking lines with passes.

Learning Objectives Individual - See Individual Player Learning Objectives

Coaching Styles Used - Demo, Q and A, Guided Discovery, Visual

Technical - Passing/Receiving/Body shape and movement off of the ball

Tactical - Possession and Decision Making

Physical - Conditioning, Movement, changes of pace, use of body to protect ball, adjusting body when receiving ball

Social - Improve communication and trust amongst players

Psychological - Developing good habits, concentration, committment, control

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transfer Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transfer Game
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Transfer Game (20 mins)

Organisation -

4 v 2 in each area. with Target Player at each end.

Challenge -

- Try to get ball to opposite target player (Break lines with pass - Through other area)

Once played into the opposite target player, target player dribbles to top of area and recycles ball ball into area to start practice again.

Rotate Target Players and Defenders

Player Challenges -

Target Players -

Try to be an option to receive at all times

Players -

Relax in possession of the ball

Try to work opportunity to play to target player (Patience)

Try to find spare man

Try to play before pressure

Learning Objectives Team - Practice to develop players awareness and movement off the ball in order to receive a pass. Also looks at breaking lines with passes.

Learning Objectives Individual - See Individual Player Learning Objectives

Coaching Styles Used - Demo, Q and A, Guided Discovery, Visual

Technical - Passing/Receiving/Body shape and movement off of the ball

Tactical - Possession and Decision Making

Physical - Conditioning, Movement, changes of pace, use of body to protect ball, adjusting body when receiving ball

Social - Improve communication and trust amongst players

Psychological - Developing good habits (Pathways), concentration, committment, control

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Full Screen

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