Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 5 v 3 Attacking Activity

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Am-Club: Illinois Youth Soccer Association

Rick Flores

Profile Summary

Rick Flores
Name: Rick Flores
City: illinois
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 3 with restrictions

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 3 with restrictions
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5 v 3 with restrictions

Sort out players in 2 groups of 12-16 players. Players will play 5 v 3 going to goal and dribble through for the goal. (15-20 Minutes)

Player A passes to any of the player B Players whow will get pressure from D Players who should pass back to supporting players on a good one touch pass or if defenders giving space can they turn around and face. If the D players win the ball they can counter and score on opposing goal. Game will continue until someone scores. Start ball from other end of field to allow the other side to attack opposite goal with their teammates.

Coaches focus is technique of passing and recieving

- Moment off the ball

- Support and creativity

- Combination player

- Verbal and visual communication

- Take the space and create opportunities

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