Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): New York Red Bulls First Team Training (Start Time: 2013-04-24 11:15:00)

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Anthony Flores

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Anthony Flores
Name: Anthony Flores
City: Waldwick
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Dynamic Movement & Stretching + 5v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Dynamic Movement & Stretching + 5v2
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Warm Up - Dynamic Movement & Stretching + 5v2


-5v2 grid 8x8 area

-All field players, groups of 7 (adjust numbers if needed)

-Place a pile of soccer balls around each grid


-Team jog across the field and mix in light dynamic movements

-Continue warm up with a 5v2

-Build up quicker dynamic movements and deeper stretches

Coaching Points:

-Increase heart rate

-Relieve any tightness or soreness

-Get rid of lactic acid in the muscles

-Increase level of awareness and speed of play

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength & Conditioning Training I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength & Conditioning Training I
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Strength & Conditioning Training I


-13 coaching sticks

-4 Hurdles

-One 45lb. weightlifting plate

-All field player (GK’s optional)

-Heavy Resistant Band

-Set of cones

Circuit I Instructions (Left):

-2 lines

-2 players go at a time

-Side shuffle right to left mirroring teammates movement

-Each time teammates meet in the middle bend down at the waist and give a low high-five

-Once player passes cone A immediately transition and accelerate into a sprint to first hurdle

-Jump and land over hurdle (variations***)

-Sprint around cone B, through coaching sticks and back around cone C

-Jog back around to the opposite line

***Jumping Variations:

i. Explode off one leg (or two) when jumping over hurdle. Focus on hanging in the air as long as possible

ii. Hop off one foot (or two) when hoping over hurdle. Do not waste time hanging in the air

***Landing Variations:

i. Land on plant foot, bend knee and explode off leg to shift weight horizontally. Repeat same action going right

ii. Land on both feet and side step (cut) to shift weight horizontally. Repeat action.

Coaching Points:

-Stay low when accelerating and decelerating

-Maintain speed while changing direction

-Arms remain tucked in and close to the body

-Distribute weight evenenly and properly

Circuit 2 Instructions (Right)

-2 lines

-2 players go at a time

-Shuffle right to left mirroring teammates movement

-Each time teammates meet in the middle jump up and go shoulder to shoulder

-Run through first set of sticks***

-Run through second set of sticks***

-Sprint diagonally around cone A then weave back inside cone B

-Jog back around to opposite line

***Variations on the first set of sticks

i.Two feet in between in each stick

ii. Side shuffle through each stick left to right

iii. Start on the outside of sticks and run forward to last stick then back pedal to first stick before sprinting forward

***Variations on the second set of sticks

i. Sideways high knees

ii. Run forward and backwards in between coaching sticks

*Switch circuit after reaching target number of repetition

Coaching Points:

-Keep upper body stable when lower body is in motion

-Maintain speed while changing direction

-Arms remain tucked in and close to the body

-Distribute weight evenenly and properly

Physiological Objectives:

-Improve proprioception and balance

-Retain muscle and power strength

-Increase speed of action and speed of reaction

*Note each drill taxes the central nervous system; therefore, it would be best to lower the number of reps and take sufficient recovery time to preserve optimal performance

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength & Conditioning Training II

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength & Conditioning Training II
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Strength & Conditioning Training II

Resistance Band Exercise 1: Squats

-Place band around goal post to create two loops on each side of post

-Player faces goal post

-Insert one leg in each loop and rest band on the back of each hamstring

-Step backwards to create proper resistance

-Feet shoulder width apart, strong bend in the knees

-Straighten out the arms and place hands together out in front

-Pull head back, raise chest and slightly arch lower back

Coaching Points:

-Slowly lower and raise hips when in squatting position for optimal results

-Lower body maintains a strong base

-Eyes look slightly up to focus attention and stabilize position

-Keep resistance moderate to avoid poor form and straining

Resistance Band Exercise 2: Toe Touches


-Place band around goal post to create two loops on each side of post

-Players back faces goal post

-Insert one leg in each loop and rest band on the quads

-Step forward to create proper resistance

-Straighten legs and place feet together

-Place hands together, bend upper body and reach down and touch toes

Coaching Points:

-Lower body maintains a strong base

-Players must make sure their backs are straight and their heads are up

-Keep resistance moderate to avoid poor form and straining

Exercise 3 with 45lb weightlifting plate:


-Hug and squeeze plate with both hands and place it on the chest

Workout may vary:

i. one-legged squats

ii. forward, backward and side lunge

iii. squat jumps

iv. core and obliques

Coaching Points:

-Players must keep feet under their body to maximize explosion when going in and out of movement

-Maintain strength and body control

Physiological Objectives:

-Improve proprioception and balance

-Retain muscle and power strength

-Increase speed of action and speed of reaction

*Note each drill taxes the central nervous system; therefore, it would be best to lower the number of reps and take sufficient recovery time to preserve optimal performance

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Training-Zonal Defense

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Training-Zonal Defense
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Functional Training-Zonal Defense


-Area 18x40

-12 Players, 3 teams of 4 in colored pinnies

- Set of cones


-Divide grid into three sections that are 10 yards long (adjust width to accommodate a team’s skill level and athleticism)

-The team in the middle group uses zonal defending to prevent the ball being switched from one outside four to the other outside four

-The outside teams receive a point for every time they pass the ball to the other outside four on the ground

Coaching Points:

-Teach correct defensive body positioning to create a team shell that would prevent any penetrating passes in behind our central players

- Force the ball to the nearest sideline and allow passes to be played out wide

-Players must be mindful of their defensive duties and always get behind the ball

-Coordinate movement as a unit

-Narrow passing channels

-Identifying how to shift as a group without breaking shell

-Build up a collective defensive effort

-Proper pressure, cover, support, and balance




-Increase the width of all three sections and at least double the length (20 yards or a bit more). Instruct the team that they can still score the same way, but may enter the middle grid after their team has completed three passes. This will encourage the outside teams to try to penetrate on the dribble and combine to get in behind the back four. It gives your middle four more situations that require zonal defending with proper pressure, cover, balance, and compactness. The offside rule is called.

-If team is skilled enough to keep a rhythm, then change the middle group with the group that has their pass picked off. If that chops the game up to much, just switch them for time

-Get a certain number of points and the defensive team stay in middle again

-Add a goalkeeper. They can block and save shots as they would in the game.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage Full Sided

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage Full Sided
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Scrimmage Full Sided


-Full field


-Balls on the halfway line next to coach


-White team starts off the scrimmage being 1-0 up

-White team must play in a zonal defense to prevent scoring opportunities in and around the 18 yard box

-High intensity between 8-10 minutes

-When white team wins possession they only have a 8 passes to get to goal

-Once ball goes out of play coach passes another ball in the white’s defense half forcing them to get behind the ball and deny forward progress

Coaching Point:

-Deny central penetration

-Force attacking team to play out wide

-Shift as a unit

-Move up as a group when attacking team passes backwards

-Good defensive positioning and support



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing Drill
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Finishing Drill


-4 sticks

-2 hurdles

-3 corner flags

-Pile of soccer balls next to players (B)


-Player A runs through sticks

-Player B times pass then sprints and jumps over first hurdle

-Player A passes ball into space for player B to run onto

-Player B passes ball around hurdle, runs around the other side and crosses ball inside box to player A

Coaching Points:

-Quality services inside the 18 yard box

-Quality finishing

-Effective runs inside the 18 yard box

-Timing of passes

-Speed of play


-Change running patterns

-Mix up passing sequence

-Shot variations from different areas around the box

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down
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Cool Down

Cool Down:

-Light jog and skips from sideline to sideline to lower heart rate

-Perform static stretching and minor dynamic stretches in order to return muscles to their natural range of motion

-Rehydrate after cool down

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