Hockey Session (Under 14s): Turnover games

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Edgar Kuijper
Name: Edgar Kuijper
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 7v7

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 7v7
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Turnover game 7v7


To test how quick players can react to a loss of possesion and how well the defence can create a counter attack.


- 7v7 players on either side with one keeper

- The defense start with the ball and looks to try and score in the opponents 2 coned goals

- If the defense score they can straight away try to go and score in the goal with the keeper. Vice versa for the attackers if they score in the main goal, they can then try to score in the coned goals

Technical pointers:

- Make sure the players are constantly moving and never standing still

- When they receive the ball, their first touch should be into space, never receive the ball static

- The players who are standing in the back, make sure they overlap and join in with the attack. You attack as a team and defend as a team

- Create height and width to gain an advantage

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 4v4

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 4v4
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Turnover game 4v4


A turnover game testing the players ability to retain the ball, attacking and defending simultaneously


- Teams of 4 will compete to try and score, if you have more than 8 players you can create more teams and rotate them in and out when one scores

- Place another goal into the middle between the 25 and halfway line and set up lines of strips near the edge of the circle


- Players can shoot however they like within the circle

- You can make it 3 touch to force the players to move and pass the ball and to hinder dribbling.

Technical pointers:

- Make sure the players overlap and join in the attack

- Run into space and then post up to create passing options

- Use height and width to create space 

- Keep possession that way you can score and they can't

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 3v3

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turnover game 3v3
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Turnover game 3v3


- To work on retention of the ball and movement with and off the ball


- Set up 3 pitches with cones for goals

- 3v3 and let them start the game

- After 5 minutes of play let them have a break and ask them a question about the conditions and why we put them in place


- After every pass make sure they attempt to get ahead of the player to become another attacking option. Or if that isnt possible tell them to do a run behind that player so he can drop the ball off and carry his run forward

- You can only tackle one player on the pitch. Try to match them evenly in terms of similar height, ability and speed. They are allowed to intercept

- For every bad pass or bad receive make the player run around the cone of their goal before they can come back into play. This will encourage good passing and moving to avoid all the extra running

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