Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Carmel United U12/13 Session 4 (Start Time: 2016-04-27 19:00:00)

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Greg Primavera

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Greg Primavera
Name: Greg Primavera
City: White Plains
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Outside Cut

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Shielding

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Shielding
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Warm Up - Shielding (10 mins)


- 20 x 20 yard area set up as shown

- 12 players (6 Attackers, 6 Defenders) set up as shown

- 1 ball per player


- Attackers score by not letting the defender hit their ball with their ball

- Defenders score by hitting the attackers ball or if the attacker dribbles out of the area

- Defenders have the ball in hand (throw) and attackers have ball at feet (dribble)

- Play for a set time limit then check the scores

- Rotate players so that they play against different players

Coaching Points:

- Change of speed

- Change of direction

- Awareness of Space & Surroundings

- Experiment with different turns as you attempt to lose your partner


P - Player with ball in hand can now 'attack' any player dribbling

P - Both players now have the ball on the ground and the object is to hit the ball with a pass

R - Increase the area size so that players have more space to turn into

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery
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Ball Mastery (10 mins)


20 x 15

Every player with a ball


1. In the 20 x 15 grid allow the players to dribble around using Messi / Ronaldo touches.

2. (Coach) Introduces and reviews Messi and Ronaldo touches and addresses when and where to use each touch.

3. Allow the players to practice.

Coaching Points:

1. Keep you head up - Look out for other players who may bump into you. Look for open space.

2. Recognize when to use Messi vs. Ronaldo touches while performing the move. (Before/After?)

3. Maintain a low center of gravity

4.Touch after recognizing there's space - needs to be explosive but controlled into space away from players reach.


(P1) - 5 lives; Each players has 5 lives to start of with, if they dribble out of bounds or by accidentally bumps into another player he/she loses a life. If a player gets down to zero lives left he/she must see a coach for a technical challenge that will give them an additional 5 lives. After 2 minutes see who many lives each player has left.

Introduce the Drag Back Turn within activity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Turns (Unopposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Turns (Unopposed)
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Technical Turns (Unopposed) (10 mins)


- 4 cones in the middle of the area, 4 groups

- Each player has a ball


- On Coaches command, players dribble out to the cone, perform turn and return to their starting point.

- When they reach starting point the next person in line goes.

- Perform drag back, inside turn and outside turn.

Coaching Points:

- Close Control

- Head Up (check over shoulder to assess space and pressure)

- Accelerate after the turn

- Lower your body to give a better platform to accelerate

-Distance of touch (helps next action)

-Protecting the ball while dribbling


- Make into a race

-Perfrom the correct technique for the Cryuff turn:

Attacking the space forward on the field (looking to penetrate)

Identification of the space

Decision whether to keep going forward or turn based on pressure and space

Use of body, arms etc to fake

Direction of touch (based on next action)

Protecting the ball while dribbling

Use of arms to feel the defender

Push ball with kicking foot through legs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Races!

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Races!
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Races! (10 mins)

Small Sided Activity - RACES!


Place pairs of cones approximately 30 ft apart. Have players in groups of two or three stand behind the cones. One ball needed per line.


When coach says 'go', players will dribble to the opposite cone, perform a change of direction move, yell the words 'ONE' and dribble back and leave the ball for the next player. Next player will go and do the same, yelling 'TWO' when they return, and so on and so on until they get to 'TEN'. When ten reps are completed, team will put foot on ball and raise their hand so coach will know they have finished. Give 3 points to the team that finishes first, 2 points to the second place team and 1 point to the third place team. Make sure players do not dribble until their teammate has crossed the returning cone line.

Play over and over using the same change of direction move until one team has 10 points.





Winner of each Change of Direction game can have the losing teams do: Push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc


Mix up teams after each change of direction game.

Coaching Points:

Explode with speed after the change of direction.

First touch should be towards cone (not stopping the ball).

Change directions of the ball with ONE TOUCH - cutting foot will need to be in front of the ball for this.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (25 mins)

Organization: Free Play

Instructions: 3v3-4v4

Coaching Points: Head up

Identify defender

Execute pull back turn

Change directions- correctly perform the pull back turn= 2 points

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button