Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U6-U8: Outdoor Session - C2W5 - BALL CONTROL

Profile Summary

Frank Suppa
Name: Frank Suppa
City: Woodbridge
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Objective of session to allow for players to comforable trying an array of fents/moves working on controlling the ball in various scenarios by incorporating the technical and physical attributes. The drills are designed to be fun, competitive and demanding from a speed of play perspective.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 (4 Goal Gates Game)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 (4 Goal Gates Game)
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3v3 (4 Goal Gates Game) (15 mins)


- 15 x 25 yard grid, larger if space permits.

- divide the group into 2 equal teams of 4 players each - NO GK

- unlimited touches to all players to start.

- players look to score by dribbling though one of the gates.

- each game is 4mins - each team plays each other once. Winner with most games won


- Can team score in assigned time (ie: 10 Seconds)

Coaching Points:

- speed of play = fast

- shape = TRIANGLES at all times

- decision making - keep head up

- creativity / attacking mentality

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tag & Release

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tag & Release
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Tag & Release (15 mins)


- Create a grid that is approximately 25 X 20 yards. You should adjust the size of the grid depending on the size, skill set, and number of players.

- Every player other than the defenders need a ball and will be dribbling around in the grid.

- The coach should release the defenders into the grid.

- The defenders job is to steal the ball from the dribbling players and look for another player.

- The dribblers must hold the soccer balls over their head and in order to be pack into the game a teamate that is dribbling must play ball between their legs to be un-frozen.


- Start with 2 defenders.

- Variation - Make the players do 20 tick-tocks or toe-taps before they are un-frozen.

Coaching Points:

- Instruct the defender to pressure players with the ball quickly.

- Dribblers must be aware of the defender (pressure) and remain calm and protect the ball or dribble away from pressure.

- Head is always scanning for space and freeing frozen players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep the Ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep the Ball
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Keep the Ball (15 mins)


- make a 25 x 25 yard grid, smaller if less players

- divide the group into 2 equal teams - no GK

- each team must try to pass to their teamates located in the corners by keeping possesion in the middle of the grid.

- once target player receives ball he must enter the grid and the player who passed must take on the corner target player.


- target player must one touch out of the corner

Coaching Points:

- first touch is everything!

- meet the ball (step to the ball as it arrives)

- speed of play = fast (where possible)

- decision making

- game management when in possession (don't simply pass into pressure)

- play aware from pressure

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Obstacle Course - Olympic Relay

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Obstacle Course - Olympic Relay
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Obstacle Course - Olympic Relay (15 mins)


- players split into 4 groups 3 (or 3 groups of 4)


- players race through 4 stages of the obstacle course performing a variety of fundamental skills (i.e.: forward/backwards running, skipping, hopping, bear-crawls, frog jumps, lateral shuffles etc.)

Coaching Points:

- team competition

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (15 mins)


- Make a 30 x 25 yard grid, smaller if less players

- divide the group into 2 equal teams of 5 + GK required

- make the teams rotate GKs every 4 mins.


- One touch finish are worth 2 goals

- finishing with non-dominant foot worth 2 goals

Coaching Points:

- speed of play = fast (where possible)

- decision making

- attacking mentality

- team defending (everyone is behind the ball when it's lost)

- game management when in possession (don't simply kick it away)

- urgency to score when behind

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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