Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Specific - Final 3rd - In Possession

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Laurence Woodroffe

Profile Summary

Laurence Woodroffe
Name: Laurence Woodroffe
City: Coventry
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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 Specific Practice - Final Third In Possession.

Specific Session (20 mins)

Key Points

- Final Third / In Possession

- Players 15 + 2 Keepers

- Time 20 mins

Organisation / Area Size

- 55yd x 40yd.

- 8 v 7 plus + 1 Keeper.

- Balls, bibs, 2 mini-goals, 1 large goal.

- Coaching Blue Team 

- Managing Red Team 

- Flat Discs to show the wings.

- Ball to always start with either Red Center Backs (no keeper)

- The objective of the Red Team is to try to combine into the 'Final third' to score in the large goals. If Blues win the ball they can score in one of the two mini goals.


- 1st Block - 7 mins - to allow play to see how Reds Attack and where coaching is required - introduce Width and depth getting the Reds to open up play. Observe and see what needs to progress.

- 2nd Block - 7 mins - Ask the Reds to use limited touches to move the ball quickly and speed up the attack. Combination play in final third to create finishing opportunities. Reds to use the wings where the space is and be fast and accurate in getting to the final third.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific Session

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific Session
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Specific Session (20 mins)


- Reds to attack blues and get the ball into the 'Final third' as quickly as possible.

- 1 Goals for scoring centrally and breaking a line 

- 2 Goals for Scoring from a cross. 

- Red player in the 'free zone' have 8 seconds on the ball. This will speed up th attack.

- Blue Team cannot enter the wide area until the Red Player IP has passed the 18 Yard Box

- Red Team can be coached a sub-welsh way principle to try and switch the play and get wide and in scoring positions quickly. 

- Blue Team can score by winning possession and they have 10 seconds to score into Mini Goals. 1 Goal for doing this successfully. 2 goals if succeeded in under 5 secs.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9 Game
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9v9 Game (20 mins)


- Coach to deliver to Red Keeper who passes out to Red defender. 

- Red Team to be coached, with the Blues managed.

- 6 Minute Session

Conditions - Challenges & Targets:

- Reds get 1 goal for scoring in open play. Scoring by Breaking a line is 2 Goals and scoring from a cross is 3 Goals.

- Blues can score by winning possession and scoring which is 1 Goal or 2 Goals if they score by Breaking a Line.

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