Becca Main
Name: | Becca Main |
City: | Lebanon, NH |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Hockey |
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Objective: For attack — to cross the opposite line by utilizing give-and-gos with the sideline passing options. For defense — to dispossess attacker and cross the opposite line with the ball.
Set Up:
- Create a dribbling grid 15-25 yards long and 10-15 yards wide with two passing lanes outside of the grid
- Place two ball piles at either end of the grid
- Split team into two lines on either end of the grid with two passers (P) in the passing lanes
The Drill:- Player A starts with the ball, passes to Player B who is 5 yards away
- Player B passes back to Player A to start the 1v1
- Player A and Player B play a 1v1 within the grid, Player A can utilize either passer (P) to create a give-and-go
- Player A works to cross the opposite line with the ball, under control
- Passers cannot enter the grid and cannot dribble the ball
- As soon as Player A successfully crosses the line, Player C starts the next ball with Player D playing defense
- If Player B comes up with the ball, they automatically become the attacker and work to cross the opposite line, they may also use the passers in give-and-gos, once Player B successfully crosses the line, Player D starts the next ball with Player C playing defense
Points of Emphasis:- For defenders — approaching the ball in the line of one pass, marking the attacker to intercept the go pass (of the give-and-go)
- For attackers — playing fast and creating space to receive the go pass, attacking on angles, reading the stick of the defender
- For passers — positioning themselves to be available for a pass, giving the ball quickly after reception
Recommendations:- If you have a large team, create several grids so that everyone gets a lot of repetitions
- For beginners, make it directional (players only attack from Player A's side) rather than continuous to focus on 1v1 skills and give-and-go opportunities
This drill was adapted from Judith Davidson's contribution to The Coach's Collection of Field Hockey Drills edited by Donna Fong (1982).