Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): YCP WSOC Team Session - 040521 - Transition

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Brent Duffy

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Brent Duffy
Name: Brent Duffy
City: York
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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York College of Pennsylvania women's soccer. Middle portion of session. Focusing on transition - notable defensive transition in the Ajax 5v3. Recognizing when we are out of possession and need to close space.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v2 Transfer Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v2 Transfer Rondo
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6v2 Transfer Rondo (15 mins)

Set up two grids side by side (approx 12 x 12 each --- total of 12 x 24) adjust as necessary

Plenty of available soccer balls

Six players on the outside of one grid, two defenders in the middle

Outside player look to connect 4 passes then progress to next grid as a team

If defender wins the ball, switch out with player responsible for losing the ball

Variations - one pair defends for 60 seconds while outside group looks to moves between grids as many times as possible, have one or two of six attackers play in the middle and free roam within the grid

CPs: speed of play, quality decision-making, transition quickly and effectively, be creative in movement

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax 5v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax 5v3
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Ajax 5v3 (20 mins)

Set up grid approx. 15x20 yards with mini goals at either end

Five attacking players (blue) look to play possession inside the grid

  - complete 5 passes = 1 point

Three defending players (red) in the middle look to win the ball and quickly score in either one of the endline goals.

   - score goal = 2 points

Original attacking group quickly transitions to defend and prevent the scoring opportunity

If blue wins back, or ball is knocked out, play starts again

Play for 60-90 seconds then have players switch roles

High intensity game that requires quick cognitive action from each player involved

CPs: Recognition of transition moment, act on that recognition, close space defensively whilst opening space in the attack (note: we did not transition defensively very quickly during first friendly)

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