Hockey Session (Under 14s): U14 left side attack

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Vincent Van Elderen

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Vincent Van Elderen
Name: Vincent Van Elderen
City: brasschaat
Country: Belgium
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): U14 left side attack

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): U14 left side attack
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U14 left side attack (15 mins)

Goal: learn to open left side for left forward so midfielder can join


Trainer T (or player) plays soft pass to 1 who controls ball and plays a two touch pass all the way to the corner. Midfielder A has come asking for the ball but doesn't play it (turning inside again), Attacker B collects ball and turns inside with ball (play between cone rows). Midfielder positions himself in circle, Defenders 1 & 2 try to close pass line as they put pressure on B.


1/2 switch, A/B


Extra information:

keep A active: he has to make realistic move towards ball.

for 1: make sure run is doable, for 1&2 communicate and close center

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