Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Distribution Using Feet integrating Breaking Lines

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Rob Bailey

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Rob Bailey
Name: Rob Bailey
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Technical Practice (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • The aim of the session is distribution with feet focussing on the principle of breaking lines.
  • Initially, allow the GK to complete their own version of the technique before starting to shape into correct technique
  • General Key Factors - focus on target, decide on technique to be used, decision (aim for player or space), focus on quality and accuracy of pass and support the pass.
  • Inside Foot Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with the inside part of kicking foot, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Laces Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with laces of boot, toes pointing down, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Lofted Pass - look at target, eye on ball, non striking foot next to ball, strike bottom half of the ball with the laces of boot, toes also moving forwards connecting with the underneath of the ball, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Volley Pass from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball straight down as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot with the toes underneath the ball pointing towards target, follow through the ball aiming towards target.
  • Half Volley from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball next to non striking foot as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot through the middle of the ball (toes pointing down) as the ball makes contact with the pitch, follow through the ball aiming towards target.


  • Two GK and two outfield players in a diamond shape on a half pitch with a supply of balls.
  • Coaching position is central to allow observation of both GK technique
  • Players initially pass around diamond using inside foot pass before moving backwards slightly to make a bigger diamond to use laces pass, lofted pass, volley from hands (GK only) and half volley from hands (GK only)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Practice
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Skill Practice (20 mins)

Key Factors

    • Coaching feedback to be concurrent, positive and focus on 'what' and 'how' style questions.
    • Stay in relation to ball
    • Is GK quickly ready to distribute upon safe collection of delivery?
    • Receiving the ball to allow swift transitions from defending to attacking?
    • Situational & positional awareness?
    • Ball speed?
    • Focus on target?
    • Decision making skills - which technique to use?
    • Quality and accuracy of delivery
    • General Key Factors - focus on target, decide on technique to be used, decision (aim for player or space), focus on quality and accuracy of pass and support the pass.
    • Inside Foot Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with the inside part of kicking foot, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
    • Laces Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with laces of boot, toes pointing down, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
    • Lofted Pass - look at target, eye on ball, non striking foot next to ball, strike bottom half of the ball with the laces of boot, toes also moving forwards connecting with the underneath of the ball, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
    • Volley Pass from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball straight down as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot with the toes underneath the ball pointing towards target, follow through the ball aiming towards target.
    • Half Volley from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball next to non striking foot as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot through the middle of the ball (toes pointing down) as the ball makes contact with the pitch, follow through the ball aiming towards target.


  • Two GK in half pitch with two full size goals, four 12x6 goals, two outfield players and a supply of balls.
  • Coaching position is to the side of each GK alternately to allow for clear observations of technique.
  • Players A & B take it in turns serving to GK 1, the first delivery is received from one player and passed to the other by GK 1 using an inside foot pass. The second and third deliveries from both players are passed directly into the opposite 12x6 goal using a laces pass and then a lofted pass. The fourth and fifth deliveries from both players are passed to GK 2 using a volley pass from hands and then a half volley pass from hands. The players then pass in the same sequence to GK 2.
  • Progress to allow the GK to choose which target he wants to aim for and the technique used.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)

Key Factors

  • Coaching feedback to be concurrent, positive and focus on 'what' and 'how' style questions.
  • Stay in relation to ball
  • Is GK quickly ready to distribute upon safe collection of delivery?
  • Receiving the ball to allow swift transitions from defending to attacking?
  • Situational & positional awareness?
  • Ball speed?
  • Focus on target?
  • Decision making skills - which technique to use?
  • Quality and accuracy of delivery
  • General Key Factors - focus on target, decide on technique to be used, decision (aim for player or space), focus on quality and accuracy of pass and support the pass.
  • Inside Foot Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with the inside part of kicking foot, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Laces Pass - look at target, eye on ball, move into line, non striking foot next to the ball, strike centre of ball with laces of boot, toes pointing down, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Lofted Pass - look at target, eye on ball, non striking foot next to ball, strike bottom half of the ball with the laces of boot, toes also moving forwards connecting with the underneath of the ball, firm ankle and follow through towards target.
  • Volley Pass from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball straight down as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot with the toes underneath the ball pointing towards target, follow through the ball aiming towards target.
  • Half Volley from Hands - both hands start on ball, non striking foot steps forward and same side arm holds ball out in front of GK, draw striking leg back, bending at knee, then drop the ball next to non striking foot as you extend striking leg quickly, strike the ball with laces of the boot through the middle of the ball (toes pointing down) as the ball makes contact with the pitch, follow through the ball aiming towards target.


  • Two GK in a half pitch that is coned off the width of the penalty box, two full size goals (already in position from skill practice), ten outfield players and a supply of balls.
  • Players are organised into two teams of six (including a GK).Coach starts play by serving a ball to one of the GK who looks to break lines with his delivery to a team mate if possible. If a goal is scored following a GK pass breaking lines it counts as 2 goals.
  • Coach to observe and use coaching process (focussing on the GK rather than outfield players) for correction and reinforcing of good practice.
  • Pitch could be initially split into thirds horizontally to make a breaking lines pass more visible and to ensure players have a degree of separation to ensure success rate for GK passes 

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