Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking skills - Dribbling, Passing, Receiving

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Robert Murtagh

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Robert Murtagh
Name: Robert Murtagh
City: Lucan
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up, teams bibbed, rotate

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up, teams bibbed, rotate
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Warm up, teams bibbed, rotate

Method: Warm Up - focused passing

Players begin in the middle of the square, pass the ball to a teammate, receive it back, and return through the middle square, find a free teammate to pass to. Players on the side continually rotate to the left around the circle.

30 seconds, stretch, rotate player in the middle.

Variation: increase the amount of footballs 1-3 for each group.

Coaching Points:

Passing technique - pass with inside of the foot, correct weight, standing foot to guide pass.

Receiving technique - receive on the half turn ball to back foot.

Dribbling technique - touches on inside and outside of both feet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Attacking
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1v1 Attacking

Method: Technical Practice 1v1

Blues attack reds defend. Players in zone 1 must get the ball to the player in zone 3, zone 2 must prevent this from happening. Player in zone 3 can move horizontally to receive.

Coaching Points:

Dribbling - close control, shield ball from defender on the opposite side of their body, feints or use of acceleration/deceleration to beat the defender or to create an opportunity to pass.

Passing - correct weight so that the receiver can control the ball, accuracy of pass.

Communication - of attacker to signal intent to pass, of receiver to let the dribbler know where he will move to.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 attacking
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2v2 attacking

Method: 2v2 attacking

2 blue attack 2 small goals 2 reds defend and transition through 1 small blue goal. 2 goals for attackers to replicate making the pitch big when attacking, 1 goal to defend to replicate needing to defend centrally and push opposition wide.

Coaching Points:

Passing technique - pass with inside of the foot, correct weight, accuracy to front or back foot as situation requires.

Receiving technique - receive on the half turn ball to back foot when wanting to play forward, shield correctly on the opposite side of body to defender when not playing forward.

Communication - effective communication both verbal and nonverbal to signal intent of passes and movement, or else to fool defenders.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 attacking
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3v3 attacking

Method: 3v3 Attacking

3 blue attack 2 small goals 3 red defend and transition through 1 small goal. 2 goals for attackers to replicate making the pitch big when attacking, 1 goal to defend to replicate needing to defend centrally and push opposition wide.

Coaching Points:


Receiving technique - receive on the half turn ball to back foot when wanting to play forward, shield correctly on the opposite side of body to defender when not playing forward.

Communication - effective communication both verbal and nonverbal to signal intent of passes and movement, or else to fool defenders.

Movement - Players to always be in a position to receive, 1 player to be beyond the player in possession at all times. Further forward player to keep the area as big as possible, play in blind spot of marker when possible. 2nd receiver to attempt to receive on the half turn and play forward. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 Game Central

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 Game Central
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7v7 Game Central

Method: Game 7v7 Central

Conditioned game to revisit coaching points, free play to end.

Coaching Points:

All coaching points mentioned in session.

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