Jeremy Williams
Name: | Jeremy Williams |
City: | Palo Alto, CA |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up as shown.
Player A starts the game and gets a point for getting through a gate - doesn't matter which one.
Player B goes the second Player A goes through a gate. Player A has to recover and TAG player B before he/she gets through a gate.
Player C begins when Player B gets through a gate or is tagged.
Keep alternating - first team to ten points wins.
Coaching Points:
Moment of transition
Speed of play
When to change direction (notice position of defender)
Short choppy steps to change direction quickly
Use of body shape/angle to fake/feint
Acceleration after the change of direction
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up as shown
Two lines dribbling to opposite cones in the middle. Use the cone as a guide for when to do your change of direction.
L turn, V Turn, Maradona, Ronaldo Chop.
After two minutes, switch and go in the other direction to work on both feet.
Coaching Points:
Decision of when to perform the turn.
Quality of change of direction
Push the ball out of feet to prepare for pass/dribble after the move
Head up before and after the move
Can you do it without looking at the ball
P - coach stands on cone to add some pressure
R - inside cut/ outside cut.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
As above
Player with ball passes across to player on far side and then becomes a passive defender. Receiving player takes a touch out of their feet and chooses which way to go (left or right). Defender shadows that way and blocks the passing channel. Attacker must perform change of direction to open up the passing channel. Player then plays into target and process repeats.
Coaching Points:
- Communication and quality of pass across
- Touch out of feet to open up passing lane into target player
- Defender applying correct pressure to paint the correct pictures (low then high)
- Recognise lane is shut, use a V to change direction (Quality of V or maradona turn)
- End product (pass)
P - practice move under high pressure and low pressure (differentiate between V move or maradona)
- Defender is now live. Keep score and play a competition in each group.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Same setup as before
Same game as before - only allowed to score once in the end zone.
Next player goes when the ball is in the net or out of play.
Defender can tackle. Attacker can go and score if defender forgets their role.
Coaching Points:
When to drive into space v. change direction
Application of change of direction move
Dribble with pace
Head up to assess options
Acceleration after the move
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up as shown. Two lines.
A passes to B who takes a touch out of his feet to find C (who can move on the end line to receive it).
1. If A blocks off the pass, change direction to find another passing channel (C is always moving on the end line)
2. If A blocks off the pass again and the pressure is tight - can you beat him with the dribble
Rules: you can only pass to the target in the first box. Once in the second box, you're looking to dribble.
Coaching Points:
Get the ball out of your feet and look forward first
Difference between V turn and Maradona turn
Speed of turn and dribble
Head up before and after each change of direction
Movement of target player
P - competition between channels (send a defender from different channels)
R - defender is semi-opposed (just blocking passing lanes)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3v3 game - 3 teams - Winners stay on
PUGG Goals set up in each corner - encouraging change of direction if one route is closed off
Coaching Points:
- When to use which moves based on the defender's position.
- Which areas of the field to use a change of direction in and when.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm-up (30 mins)
-20 x 20 yard area
-Each player has a ball
Part 1
Each player has a ball and is introduced to a few different types of dribbling techniques:
Messi, Ronaldo, Xavi and Ineiesta
Players will be asked how they might use each type, after they have been introduced:
-If you have a lot of space which technique might be the best?
-If you are in a very tight space how could you dribble?
Part 2
-Space is the same, now all but two players have a ball.
-The players with out the ball are defenders and hold a pinnie in their hand.
-Defenders are trying to simply touch another players ball with their foot (They are not trying to tackle)
-When a Defender touches a ball they take that ball and give their pinnie to the attacker.
-That attacker then becomes the tagger/defender
-The goal is to get tagged the fewest times and to not be it when time runs out.
Coaching Points:
-Using the proper dribbling technique/surface of the foot
-Looking for/identifiying where the open space.
-Aware of the defenders and other attackers