Name: | Chris Williams |
City: | Carlisle |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Three thirds, two teams play through to other side
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Penetrating Pass Exercise (20 mins)
3 Fields set up - 2 teams of 5 (or to suit) 5 Blues only allowed in Centre zone to start along with a Floating Red, who can go anywhere on pitch (Ideally this player should be used to drag players out of position in the Centre zone.
Aim of the game is for the Reds to play a penetrative pass through the middle zone to receiving players in the opposite zone, pass must be along the ground. A penetrative pass cannot be played until the ball has been passed a minimum of 3 times by the starting team (Reds). Each side has 5 attempts, then Blue team can are in outside zones.
Coaching aim - To get the Red team looking/scanning for the movement of teammates ahead of them in the Centre and End Zones. To get the Blue team following runs behind by glancing over shoulder for Red players but also following the play.
Scoring system is 1 point for a direct pass to End zone, 2 points for a 1st time diagonal pass.
Progression - Allow one blue from the Centre zone to enter the Starting zone after the 2nd pass, this player can attempt to win possession.