Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Counter Attack - Creating and Exploiting Overloads 3v2 to 4v3

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David Lattavo

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David Lattavo
Name: David Lattavo
City: Stouffville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2
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3v2 (20 mins)

Organization/Area Size

Area size is two 18 yard boxes with half way line in middle. Two players in white on the outside are at the half line of the exercise for the Transitional aspect of the exercise. 

Load: 5X4 minutes with 1.5 minute rest in between. WRR 4:1.5

Key Factors:

Coach will focus on the team with numerical superiority. 3 players in black begin by attacking against 2 players in white by receiving the ball initially fed by the GK. If the team in Red recover possession the two players on the outside in white at the half way line step into the field to make it a transitional 4v3 moment against the team in green. If the green team score a goal or finish with a shot on goal a ball is quickly served to the GK or on-field player in red to create the same 4v3 transitional overload for the white team. New players step in after each cycle of 3v2/4v3. 

Challenges, Conditions and Targets:

Encourage creativity. Be brave when you have the numerical advantage and through movement and positions how can you exploit that advantage. 

Progression - Add in a recovering defender for the team in green who counts down from 5 seconds before joining the play

Key Points:

In Possession:

Find the free player/Exploit numerical advantage/Create width and depth to the attack/Fast passes forward with movements to create the desired overloads/Weight and accuracy of the final pass in regards to timing and weight to ensure opportunities to finish

Out of Possession:

Press quickly/Protect the central areas/Leave the furthest player

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