Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 1v1 2v2 Attacking /Defending

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Christopher Copp

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Christopher Copp
Name: Christopher Copp
City: Pontypridd
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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  • 1 v 1 attacking and defending skills


  • 2 v 2 attacking and defending skills


  • Pressure
  • Counter pressure

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery
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Ball Mastery


  • Players will work with a ball each, striking the ball with both feet (focus on punching the pass and receiving the ball). After the 4th pass the players will turn with the ball and drive (big touches) into the skill zone (taking smaller and quick touches), before performing a skill instructed by the coach (focus - attacker from the front). Once the player exits the skill zone they will travel with the ball to a free passing spot and repeat the process.
  • Turning Skills: open touch turn/ no touch turn (across body), no touch turn (through legs), touch turn. Players to focus on the pass detail/weight of the pass, body shape in executing the turn. 
  • Skills (attacker from the front) - 360 turn, step over, feint, flip flap, L and V turn, roll to step over.

Block Timings / Dimensions:

  • 120 seconds per block x 6 blocks - last block is free play. Coach intervention 30 seconds.

Coaching Points:

  • Turning Skills: open touch turn/ no touch turn (across body), no touch turn (through legs), touch turn. Players to focus on the pass detail/weight of the pass, body shape in executing the turn.
  • Skills (attacker from the front) - 360 turn, step over, feint, flip flap, L and V turn, roll to step over.
  • Weight of pass, pass detail, movement of feet to receive the ball
  • Scanning.

Coaching Responsibilities:

  • CE - Lead and drive by coaching
  • GW - 1 to 1 coaching and drive by coaching

ILP Focus Player(s):

  • All players: Hayden/ Rico/ Sonny/ Jacob/ Archie/ Joey/ Archer/ Logan/ Rory/ George/ Alfie/ Kayden

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 Practice
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1 v 1 Practice


  • As above: 3 lanes of 3+ players. 
  • X1 passes across to x 2 and follows pass, to close down play.
  • x2 drives at x1 - aim to dribble the ball across the end of the lane, if x1 wins back possession, their aim is to dribble the ball to the opposite end of the playing lane.
  • Once the practice breaks down, x1 takes the starting position of x2 - x1 takes the place of  x3 and x3 starts the practice as seen in the middle lane above.


  • Time active within lane - 14 seconds.


  • N/A - Move players around lanes after each block

Block Timings / Dimensions:

  • 3 minutes x 5 blocks (rotate players in between blocks)

Coaching Points:

  • Closing down of play - shut down (at pace), slow down, sit down, show into small spaces, use arms to touch attacker and apply pressure to force play away from goal.
  • attacker in 1 v 1 - attack defender at pace (big touches), when close to defender; small touches (close control), keep the ball moving, transfer defenders weight with good/unpredictable ball manipulation. Skill execution - consider body shape, pace of skill, protect the ball.

Coaching Responsibilities:

  • Each coach to drive players and coach players in practice/when at rest.
  • Each coach to have designated lane.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1/2 v 2 Counter Pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1/2 v 2 Counter Pressure
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1 v 1/2 v 2 Counter Pressure


  • Organisation as above.
  • Practice starts with yellow 1 (passing the ball to blue 1 and closing down the attacker). 
  • Blue 1 who is pressed needs to move the ball out of their feet and take an early strike at goal.
  • Once blue 1 has taken the strike (from half way line), they defend yellow 2 who attacks the opposing goal (1v1). A shot at goal needs to take place within 14 seconds. If blue 1 wins back possession of the ball they can score (opposite goal). 
  • Last phase of the practice - Blue 2 drives out with the ball and yellow 1 joins the practice in a 2 v 2. 


  • Team 1 (Joey, Sonny, Rico, George, Rory)
  • Team 2 (Archer, Archie, Jacob, Alfie, Kaydon).

Block Timings / Dimensions:

  • 3 minutes x 4 blocks (players will swap positions) x 2 = 8 blocks - overall time = 24 minutes.

Coaching Points:

  • Touch and strike: open up body to take first touch away from defender, cushion the ball in front (don't get the ball caught under feet and don't let the ball stay still) - step into strike, hit the target, strike through the centre of the ball (tip - goal never moves). Strike for the corners, make the keeper work - head, shoulders, hips and knee over the ball.
  • Closing down of play - shut down (at pace), slow down, sit down, show into small spaces, use arms to touch attacker and apply pressure to force play away from goal.
  • attacker in 1 v 1 - attack defender at pace (big touches), when close to defender; small touches (close control), keep the ball moving, transfer defenders weight with good/unpredictable ball manipulation. Skill execution - consider body shape, pace of skill, protect the ball.
  • 2 v 2 - communicate (provide purposeful information, closest player to press the ball, 2nd defender to drop and open shoulders to force the ball out wide (don't get caught square or too high), press aggressively).

Coaching Responsibilities:

  • CE to lead and drive players/practice
  • GW to coach in practice - player interval
  • Luke drive by coaching.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4

Organisation - Game Related Practice:

See above.


  • Block 1: free play
  • Block 2: forward passes only - however backward touches/dribble allowed.
  • Block 3: 3 touches only
  • Block 4: 2 touches only
  • Block 5: free play


  • Team 1: Sonny, Jacob, Archer, George, Rory
  • Team 2: Archie, Rico, Joey, Logan/Kaydon, Alfie

Block Timings / Dimensions:

  • 4 minute games - 5 blocks = 20 minutes

Coaching Points:

  • Game/situation dependant.
  • Coaches to coach in practice and within intervals/

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