Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Crossing and Finishing (Technical Session / CG)

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Ryan Rademacher

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Ryan Rademacher
Name: Ryan Rademacher
City: Harrison, NJ
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (40 mins)


As Shown.


1. A plays to B.

2. B plays to C.

3. C sets for D.

4. D plays ball wide to E.

5. F Overlaps E on D's pass and E plays deep pass into corner to F.

6. C and D make runs in the box.

7. G defends cross. Player must start outside 18 yard box and look to recover on E's pass. Looks to clear anywhere outside 18 yard box.

8. Repeat the same drill but opposite on left hand side (B plays to A, A plays to D, etc.).

9. Rotation: in pairs (A/B to C/D, C/D to end of line)

10. After given amount of time switch wide players and defenders

11. Competition: Groups in center play for most goals; Groups out wide play vs. each other for most goals

Coaching Points:

1. Quality of Pass

2. Movement of forwards (C/D) as ball travels sideways

3. Quality / Speed of combination between forwards C/D (quality of set / run of other forward)

4. Quality of run / pass from wide players (overlapping run, deepest pass possible to allow crosser to cutback)

5. Quality of runs in the box / Finish (shape; near post getting across defender / keeper; far post arriving late to be ready for clipped cross to far post or PK spot if cutback)

6. Quality (technique and decision making) of crossing player (driven near post, clipped back post, or cutback across at PK spot)


1. Make contest for most goals.

2. Add 2nd defedner in box.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (20 mins)


As shown.

6v6+2 (1-2-1-2 formation) or 5v5+2 (1-2-2 formation).

Yellows are in channels, nuetrals, defenders cannot enter.

5 points for goal from a cross, 1 point for goal not from a cross


1. Ball starts with Keeper

Coaching Points:

1. Quality of runs in box (shape; reading visual cue to run; etc.).

2. Quality of cross (technique / decision making).

3. Recognition when to play wide / when not to.

4. Shape and recognition to overlap wide player; ability for forward players to recognize pressure on the ball and make appropriate runs (progression).


1. One player from each team can enter channel (create 2v1 in wide areas - more realistic pressure to game)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Game
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Full Game (30 mins)


As shown. 7v7


Normal game

Coaching Points:

1. Recognition to play centrally or in wide areas.

2. Quality of decision making of wide players and runs in the box.


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button