Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Academy 10U - Receiving Across Body to Set Up Pass/Dribble/Shot

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Am-Club: Highland Football Club

Hasani McKenzie

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Hasani McKenzie
Name: Hasani McKenzie
City: Asheville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical warm up - Receiving Across Body

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical warm up - Receiving Across Body
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Technical warm up - Receiving Across Body (15 mins)

Set up

Create a triangle (a square is also acceptable) 10-15 yards on each side (create multiple if needed). Place a cone approximately 5 yards behind each point in the triangle so that there is a window for the player to receive the ball when passing around the grid. All the balls will begin on one corner of the triangle. Players will complete a sequence of passes around the grid to receive the ball across their body. 

Each player will follow their pass within the sequence. Switch the direction the players progress around the area so players have to receive the ball across their body using their opposite foot.

Coaching Points:
  • Passing technique - heel down, toe up, inside of foot, hips pointing in direction you want to pass
  • Receiving technique - inside of foot gently guiding the ball in the direction you want to go next 
  • Receive ball across your body - with the foot that is furthest away from the ball 
  • Be actively ready to receive - on the balls of your feet so that you can move if the pass is slightly inaccurate 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 Outta Here

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 Outta Here
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3v2 Outta Here (20 mins)

Set Up: 

Use a 30*20 grid with two gates on each end. Play 3v2, but when the ball goes out, a goal is scored, or time goes too long – new players from each team enter the field. Pass through the gate to score. Ball can be started from the coach each time a game starts or have the opposition team play a pass across. Ball always gets played to the team with 3 players. Switch sides to ensure both teams get to attack with 3 players.

Coaching Points:

  • What does a good pass look like? Locked ankle, heel down, toe up, standing leg and hips facing partner
  • How should you receive the ball? Inside of foot in the direction you want to go next
  • How do you want to try and receive whenever possible? Across your body in the direction you want to go next
    • Why? So that you can see both where the ball is coming from and where you want to go at the same time.
  • Where can you go so that your teammate can pass you the ball? In space where a defender does not block the path between you and the ball
  • What can you do to help your teammate when they have the ball? Spread out so that you have plenty of space to receive a pass

  • What should you do if you have the ball and you have space? Dribble with head up to find the next pass or chance to score

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage 7v7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage 7v7
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Scrimmage 7v7 (25 mins)

Scrimmage 7v7.

The main focus will still be on improving the technical application of passing and receiving in a game setting. We will also need to encourage movement to get open.

Coaching Points:

  • What surface of your foot helps you play the most accurate pass? Inside
  • How do you get open for a teammate? Move to a space where there is no defender between you and the ball
  • How do you find open teammates? Dribbling with head up to and looking at both teammates and where the defenders are positioned
  • How do you want to try and receive whenever possible? Across your body in the direction you want to go next
    • Why? So that you can see both where the ball is coming from and where you want to go at the same time.
  • Where can you go to receive the ball from your teammate? In a space where there are no defenders between you and the ball

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