Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Winter Academy: Passing & Receiving

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Pro-Club: Penn Fusion Soccer Academy

James Morris

Profile Summary

James  Morris
Name: James Morris
City: Philadelphia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Passing & Receiving 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery
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Ball Mastery (10 mins)

Topic: Technical Touches

Activity: Ball Mastery

Set Up: 

  • 4yd X 4yd boxes: See above. Add another row if needed. 


  • Progress through the footwork activities listed.  45s practice round, 30s all out X 2 rounds.
    • Turn of the week!!
    • Foundations (Tic Toks)
    • Toe taps
    • Inside outside RF
    • Inside outside LF
    • Dribble Cut
    • Dribble Flick
    • Push Pulls RF
    • Push Pulls LF 
    • Alternating Push Pulls 
    • Triangle RF
    • Triangle LF 
    • Alternating Triangles 

Main Technical Coaching Points/Questions

  • Quality over speed. Add speed once comfort.


  • Challenge: Try to stay in the same spot without moving forwards
  • Competition: How many touches can you get in X time. Can you beat your previous score?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity #1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity #1
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Activity #1 (15 mins)


- Players in pairs.

- Ball per pair


- Players pass and move around area with their partner.

- Each pass that splits another pairing equals 1 point.

- Play for 90 seconds. Challenge pairings to beat their own previous scores.

Coaching Points/Questions:

- Head up to identify target.

- Plant non kicking foot next to the ball, pointed at target.

- Strike ball with inside/outside (pinky toe) in the centre of the back of the ball.

- Follow through with kicking foot in direction of pass.


R - 1 point for every pass, 2 points for split

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Acivity #2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Acivity #2
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Acivity #2 (15 mins)


- One player positioned in each small corner box

- Remaining players in larger area with ball each


- Players with a ball each dribble around area attempting to pass to as many box players as possible. Each pass to a box player equals one point. Must visit a different box each time. Rotate box players after 90 seconds. Challenge players to achieve their highest score each time.


- Pass to box player and switch roles, with box player dribbling out and looking for next pass.

- Box player passes out of a different side than they received.

Coaching Points/Questions:

- Check surroundings to identify your next target

- Communicate to your partner - "who are you passing to?", "who wants the ball?"

- Weight of the pass - "how far away from your partner are you? How does the impact the weight of your pass?"

- "If your partner is on the move, where do we pass the ball to?"


Add defenders, who look to steal the ball from players in larger area (can not enter corner boxes). Once they've stolen the ball, look to score in either of the two mini goals.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity #3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity #3
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Activity #3 (15 mins)


2 teams with a GK's set up at each end as seen in diagram.

1st player / team to score gets a point for their team.

Activity Information

The coach passes the ball into the middle of the field and calls a number which is assigned to a player on each team (example #1 and #2). 

The game can be 1v1. 2v2 or 3v3 plus GK's.

The players number that is called must run around their assigned cone in the corner before going to the ball.

Players then compete to score in their assigned goal.

Play until a goal is scored or the ball goes out of play.

Keep score first team to 5 points wins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG's

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG's
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SSG's (15 mins)


Small sided games 3v3 / 4v4 avoid large numbers with everyone playing at once.

Can do 3 teams first goal wins if the numbers allow.

Focus on the key aspects of the training session throughout the games.

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