Hockey Session (Under 18s): Basic passing and leading (first touch)

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R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing flow through

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing flow through
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Passing flow through (15 mins)

passing circuit: ABCD, D scores after turn @ inside. Follow your pass.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Game
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Wide Game (15 mins)

Goal: 5v5 game (can adapt numbers if need)


you can run trough the square in the middle, but no passing/dribbling is allowed between red cones

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): First touch

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): First touch
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First touch (15 mins)

4 players inside the grid, 4 outside

Must use first touch to pass to a different player outside

3 touches max then 2 as we progress

Start with two balls and progress to 4

Stay on the ball until option to pass back out is available. 

Outside players can call number or name if they want pass? 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Basics and counter attack

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Basics and counter attack
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Basics and counter attack (15 mins)

Passing round the rectangle in sequence. Pass and follow your pass.

2 players on each cone. (split the 12 players into bibs and non-bibs)

Decide one team attacking ( non bibs)

When a non bib is on the ball coach or GK calls PINK or BLACK (use cones if goalies are not in different colours or no GKs) 

Non bib then attack to the goal called. 

All players join in game (6 v 6) If defending team win it then play on to other goal.

Key points:  On Counter  attack can we move ball high early? If it is not on keep possession and get structure.

Basics need to be good when passing so drill does not break down.

Work on pick ups (open and soft hands)

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