Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): SPRING:TRAINING SEASON WEEK 4 (2015 Boys) (Start Time: 2024-02-21 18:30:00)

Profile Summary

Marco Ramos
Name: Marco Ramos
City: porter
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Rondo 4v0 with Run

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up Rondo 4v0 with Run
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Warm Up Rondo 4v0 with Run (15 mins)


  • Divide the team into groups of 6 players.
  • Make 15 x 15 yd squares, around this place some cones making a 40 x 40 yd square.
  • Use as many squares as there are groups of players you have
  • Soccer ball
  • vests

  • The action starts in one of the corners of the box where the player with the ball will make a pass to the player on the opposite side and follow the pass.
  • Before following the pass the player who made the pass must run around the Post (Cone) and move to the next corner.
  • (See the corresponding figure)
  • Work 8 minutes clockwise (right side rotation)
  • Switch counterclockwise (left side rotation)
Total work time 15 minutes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSESSION GAME WITH TRANSITIONS

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSESSION GAME WITH TRANSITIONS
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  • Mark a space of 30 x 40 yards
  • Divide the team into three groups A, B and C,
  • Groups A and B with five players
  • Group C with 4 Players (Neutral players)
  • Assign a color to each group
  • Balls
  • Cones

  • Group A of 4 players (Neutral) will be located one at each end and two in the center of the draw.
  • Team C will be located in the center of the box (Defensive action) and Team B around the box leaving only one player in the center as Central Midf. (Attacking action/Possession)
  • Team A and B will play a possession game, while team C will defend the position and try to steal the ball.
  • If Team C steals the ball, it will position itself on the outside of the Rondo and Team B will go on to defend.
  • Rotate Team A players
30 minute task
Make it competitive, every time the defending team recovers the ball it takes a point, the team in possession if it makes 15 passes it takes a point.
Team that scores ten points is the winner.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1-2-3-1  / 1-3-2-1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1-2-3-1  / 1-3-2-1
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1-2-3-1 / 1-3-2-1 (30 mins)


  • In a regular half field of play
  • Place two small goals at each end of the midfield
  • Divide the team in two: Defenders and Midfielders together
  • Attackers and extra players on another team
  • Use vests, cones, balls and small goals
  • The action begins with the ball coming from behind through the 3 defenders.
  • Do it 5 minutes on the right and 5 minutes on the left
  • The movement of the Centrals is to open the field, the liners should seek more depth creating a wide passing line.
  • The Midf. They must make the movement to cover spaces and the passing line to get the ball clean from behind.
  • The objective is to get the ball to targets A-B or score in the small goals.

  • Mobility
  • Accurate passes
  • Pass Lines
  • Relays
  • Coverage

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