Nicolas Pretelt
Name: | Nicolas Pretelt |
City: | hamilton |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Focus: Affecting the player's decision when pressure (and cover) are tight, and the player receiving the ball does not have time to turn and face the opposition.
Amount of Pressure: Two defenders - Pressure and Cover.
Type of Pressure: Tight. Unable to turn and face opposition. Pressure angles body appropriately, and "Cover" supports at a good distance.
Decisions looking to affect:
1. Ability to identify amount of pressure being applied to the ball, as the player receives it.
2. Choice to open up on the back foot - closer to the opponent, or receive the ball on the front foot to protect the ball and shield it away from the defender.
3. Recognition of the second defender. Is the second defender in a good spot to cover the first defender if I beat him/her? If so, do I have a supporting player I can pass the ball to?
4. Mentality after passing the ball. Can you quickly signal to your teammate for a Give and Go to get around the defender, or support their run and prepare yourself for the cross?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
4 players per grid
1 Ball in play
Extra balls off to the side
As shown in diagram. Note Left-Grid demonstrates the first portion of the activity and diagram shows progressions moving left to right.
Clear Grid:
1. Player A starts with the ball.
2. Pass To B
4. Player B will have the decision of pass the ball to Player D or play back for A to play to D
6. Players will attack one time and defend one time and then swith with teammate
Fully Opposed
1. Same as before however now players will look to connect with the endline player as soon as possible.
2. If the defender is blocking the target (endline player) attacking players may look to combine instead of forcing the pass.
Blue Grid:
1. Same as Clear Grid - Fully Opposed. However, players will now look to go to goal.
2. (P2) Please see Progressions / Regressions.
Coaching Points:
1. Movement off the ball to receive.
2. Vision - Player checking shoulders quickly before and after receiving the ball.
3. Players ability to recognize pressure (tight vs. loose)
4. Selection of foot and surface to receive the ball, based on pressure.
5. Player's ability to control and manipulate ball away from pressure, if they receive it on the wrong foot.
6. Execution of move.
7. Execution of next action - pass/shot.
Progressions / Regressions:
(P1) - If I can't open up on my back foot and play to the target right away how can I get around him/her without losing possession of the ball? Give and Go.
(P2) - Blue Grid: 2v1. If the defender wins the ball and plays back to the his/her endline player they may attack. On the transition from offense to defense one of the players must quickly apply pressure, the second defender may be added. If so, defender will have to run around the goal and make a recovery run prior to defending. Goal is to speed up the decisions of the attackers with the ball.
(R1) - Allow players to practice technical and rotation of activity before adding in the defender
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 2v2 +2 or 3v3+3
2. 20X25
1. 2v2 inside are working to possess ball
2. Point for connecting with 1 neutral and turning and finding the other neutral
3. Attackers are looking to decide possess vs Penetrate
Coaching Points:
1st attacker:
1. Dribble, Pass, or shoot
2. Looking to penetrate without forcing the play
3. Patience – when to play sideways
4. Weight of pass to move defenders to create lanes
2nd Attacker
1. Suport
2. Angles of passing lane
3. Body Shape
4. Distance of relationship with teammates
3. Emphasize on technique: Passing - inside
1. Different rules to score EX- both player must touch the ball before finding neutral
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
40 x 30
2 Teams - 4v4
If player attendance exceeds 8, add additional team
Free play.
Can the players apply what they learned in the session to the scrimmage?
Coaching Points:
1)Width and Depth to create passing lanes
2) Movement off the ball
3) Mentality go to goal vs keep the ball
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1 (15 mins)
Box of 15X20
4-5 players per grid
1 ball
1) touch out of foot to tell other players where to move
2) Pass to B - back foot
3) B control and pass to D
4) D dribble to the back of the line outside the grid
5) Follow your pass
1) A pass to B
2) B Pass back
3) A long pass to C
4) Give and Go between B and C
Coaching Points:
1. Observe target
2. Supporting foot is next to the ball pointed at target
3. Contact foot - inside
4. Follow through towards target with striking foot
5. Weight and accuracy