Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Basketball Session 1 passing (Start Time: 2022-09-05 08:55:00)

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Rhys Devine

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Rhys Devine
Name: Rhys Devine
City: Glasgow
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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The session will be introducing and developing basketball skills with children within their school enviroment that is provided. For carrmunock the area is a small court with not the most space however will fit the number which is around 20 per class / session. 

Equipment is provided by the school however basketball where brought over due to a lack of number of balls which couldnt be guaranteed will be there every week. Cones and bibs provided by the school 

Overall this is session 1 of basketball with children, the aim of the session is to develop upon the passing skill and introduce new or improve upon techniques with a partner and within groups.

Aim of the warm up: The aim of the warm up is to increase the heart rate and increase blood flow to working muscles allowing for more oxygen to reach the muscles requiring it. 

Aim: The aim of this drill 1 is to develop upon a variety of passes towards your partner and to not be predictable with passes in a game like scenario by changing passing technique each turn.

Aim: the aim of this drill is to utilise the surprise element of a pass, meaning the participant is less predictable in a game like scenario as well as who they decide to passing to to remain focused incase they are are next to receive the ball.  

Objective: How am i going to achieve my aims? The aims will be achieved by completing the drills shown above. This will be done by only focusing on one skill at a time to minimise confusion and promote progression. Focusing on the one skill and developing on it allows the participants to understand and latch on quicker while being able to progress the following weeks ahead and not clash with other sessions.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup
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Warmup (10 mins)

Time: 5 minutes

Aim of the warm up: The aim of the warm up is to increase the heart rate and increase blood flow to working muscles allowing for more oxygen to reach the muscles requiring it.

The warm up would last around 10 minutes and consist of the following:

- A pulse raiser, Running around the hall or jog to sprinting to the half court line multiple times.

- Dynamic Stretches Such as High knees

 / Walking Lunges - Walking forward lunge forward with one leg forward at a 90 degree angle, repeat for opposite side

 / Opening the gates - Imagining there is a midline in your body, walking forward bring one knee up and bring outwards away from the midline and in an open motion. Repeat for opposite side

/ Closing the gates - The same as above however now starting outside the midline bring your knee and bent leg inwards to the midline

/ Trunk twists - with your arms shoulder height twist your upper body one side and hold for 3 seconds then repeat on the other side. 

Shown above is how the participants would perform certain actions / Stretches towards the cones ( Half court line ) and back.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill 1: Passing to partner

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill 1: Passing to partner
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Drill 1: Passing to partner

Time: 10 minutes


Drill 1: 

A simple passing drill using a variety of different passes, starting off with a chest pass, developing into a bounce pass and then finally onto an overhead pass. Utilising each pass to your partner and switching up the pass you decide to use on the spot will keep your partner on their toes.


Equipment needed: this is entirely dependant on numbers as long as each group of partners has a ball between them and two cones. 


Coaching points: 

When performing a chest pass, keep hands on the ball with a "W" shape, Bring in the ball towards your chest and as you push forwards taking one step forward to shift your weight and allow more power behind the ball. the aim of the chest pass is to let your partner receive the ball at chest height.


When performing a bounce pass, your aim should be the space between you and your partner, allowing for an even bounce to land around their upper hip - chest area. Using the same "W" shape and bringing the ball towards your chest aim between you and your partner. Push off using the same method as the chest pass with one small step forward to utilise the power of the body weight shifting forward.


When performing an overhead pass, With your hands either side of the ball, almost like a throw in your shifting your weight forward and letting go at peak range of motion, Ideally just as it passes above your head. The aim of the ball should be towards your partners upper body / just above their head.

Progression: Add in a movement based system, once passed swap cones with your partner or move down the line on your side of the cones and take the next persons slot.



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill 2: Passing within a group

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drill 2: Passing within a group
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Drill 2: Passing within a group


Time: 10 minutes



Drill 2: this drill is a group of 5 ( Can be expanded or decreased based upon numbers ) with one person in the middle, The others surrounding the person in the middle with the ball. The person in the middle with the ball can chose who they wish to pass to at anytime and each pass must be a different technique from the previous Drill. Each player must remain focused and eye on the ball incase they are next to receive.


Equipment needed: A minimum of 2 cones and a group of 3 with one ball between them all. Numbers of cones can be adapted based on how many are in a group. 


Coaching points for this are for the recievers to remain vigilant and hands ready to receive the ball using a "W" shape to reduce impact and catch. For the player in the middle, The technique coaching points from before apply and this time to ensure they are trying to catch out their teammates and make sure they are ready for the ball at all times. 

Progression: Time can be added to apply more pressure and implement a competition aspect by seeing which time can perform the most passes.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game

Time: 30 minutes. 6 x 5 minute games. Number dependant and can vary. 

Conditioned game: The idea behind the game is that you can only shoot into the basket once everyone has been passed to at least once. 

Coaching points: Using the previously learned techniques via drill 1 and drill 2 pass to teammates in a variety of ways. 

Moving around and changing positioning, allowing for less predictable passes. 

Once everyone has been passed to then shooting is unlocked.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cooldown

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cooldown
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Time: 5 minutes


The cooldown consists of the following:

- Lap around the hall walking and performing tasks such as:

Walking lunges: Walking forward lunge forward with one leg forward at a 90 degree angle, repeat for opposite side

Arm swings: Holding your arms straight and rotating by using a shoulder movement 

Arm circles: With arms out like a T Shape perform little circles wtih finger tips only by moving your whole arm. 

- Static stretches after the lap such as:

touching toes: Standing upright, keep legs remained straight and bend upper body forward with arms out straight to touch toes.

lunges on the spot: Same as the moving one just standing still. one knee bent forward at a 90 degree angle 

Finishing off with everyone laying down and counting to 60 and guessing when it reaches one minute.

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