Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Individual Development Session- Midfield passes into Target 9 /7/11

Profile Summary

Greg Warden
Name: Greg Warden
City: Franklin
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Drill Design + Rules
- Set up Mini Goals or Cones as targets that represent 9/7/11

- Passing distance between you and min goals can vary to practice different distances.

- Red arrow shows movement needed before receive the ball

- Receive the ball on half turn and find a mini goal via defense splitting pass.

5 Point Scoring Method
Goal is to get 5 points on everyrep! You must be true to yourself
and your scoring, this must be done at GAME SPEED!

1 Point- Scanning before movement and during (2 scans)
1 Point- Sharp movement to lose defender and get into pocket of space on weak side as we switch the ball.
1 Point - First touch perfect out of feet so you are ready to pass into with your next touch

2 Points- Accurate pass with the correct weight into the mini goal.

Work both sides and both feet.

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