Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): DtG (Low Extension), BtA (Around/Thru) - Development B - GK Academy (Wk 13)

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Pro-Club: Suburban Football Club

Alex Sheppard

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Alex Sheppard
Name: Alex Sheppard
City: Halifax
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Objective - Familiarize keepers with good basic technique when making extension saves


  • Build comfort with going to ground in the correct way
  • Ensure technique is sound, particularly with regard to the bottom hand/arm staying low on low dives
  • Understand the importance of direction/angle of plant foot when diving
  • Make sure set is low before driving body along ground

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation - Around/Thru Box

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation - Around/Thru Box
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation - Around/Thru Box Create Video:

Activation - Around/Thru Box (5 mins)


  • Activate the feet while working support angles
  • 3 keepers pass around/thru a box
  • Each pass must alternate between going AROUND the box and going THRU the box
  • 1) 2-touch
  • 2) 1-touch
  • Detail of pass - delivered to specific foot, right pace, not bouncing
  • Weight of prep touch - get it out of your feet, don't kill it
  • Angle of support - constantly adjust position to be an option for teammate
  • Communication - demand the ball (to specific foot, to feet/space), demand support angles

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation 1 - Extension Saves

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation 1 - Extension Saves
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Activation 1 - Extension Saves (10 mins)

Objective - Prepare keepers physically/mentally for the techniques/movements present in session focus

  • 1) Sit-up handling (volley or throw)
  • 2) Handling to either side of body (keeper is seated, work core)
  • 3) Ground familiarity - low dive (from hip, 5x per side)
  • 4) Ground familiarity - mid dive (from one knee, 3x per side)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation 2 - Volley to Negative Step (Low)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation 2 - Volley to Negative Step (Low)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation 2 - Volley to Negative Step (Low) Create Video:

Activation 2 - Volley to Negative Step (Low) (5 mins)

Objective - Generate forceful push using negative step from A-frame set

  • 1) GK takes volley from S1, straddling ring
  • 2) GK then makes low ext. save by stepping ball-near foot into the ring
Coaching Points
  • When - Threat of closer range shot (~10 yds but depends on body type/skill set)
  • A-Frame set - slightly wider, lower than typical set, again when proximity is close
  • Negative step - ball-near foot steps inside the line of the body, allows us to get down quicker
  • Turn plant foot to generate maximum force, shoot body and hands low thru ball with power

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 1 (Constant)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 1 (Constant)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 1 (Constant) Create Video:

Extension Saves - Activity 1 (Constant) (20 mins)

Objective - work low dive technique with an emphasis on getting low in set position

  • 1) Volley, lat movement through cones/ladder, under string/pole to attack stationary ball with low dive
  • 2) Replace stationary ball with a low service once technique is solid
  • 3) Can progress to a mid dive (lower the bar/string so they must go over)

Coaching Points

  • Slide pinky (don't chop) and extend thru the ball
  • Secure ball with top hand while extending bottom hand through
  • Get low in set before pushing off load leg
  • Meet line of ball - don't dive backwards
  • Don't turn body - land on side, not stomach/back

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 2 (Varied)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 2 (Varied)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Extension Saves - Activity 2 (Varied) Create Video:

Extension Saves - Activity 2 (Varied) (20 mins)

Objective - Work low dive technique (from hip/knees) and recovery movement to quickly get to feet

  • 1) Low extension from cutback position
  • 2) Recover to cutback position
  • 3) S1 plays to S2
  • 4) GK receives from S2 and switches to S3
  • 5) S3 squares to S4 for shot
Coaching Points
  • Bottom arm stays low (slide pinky), no chopping motion
  • Bottom hand extends thru the ball, top hand secures ball
  • Use of legs/core for quick recovery to feet

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