Hockey Session (Under 10s): Turn and Burn 2v3, 3v3

Profile Summary

Richard Penrose
Name: Richard Penrose
City: Winchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (20 mins)

  • 4 teams of 2 
  • Coach feeds the ball in 
  • 2 v 2 score by carrying the ball over the end zone. 
  • When possession team cross the line the turn an gothe other way. 
  • When the possession team cross the line the losingteam leave the pitch and another pair rolls on (mustreact quickly, watch the game). 
  • If a team scores 3 times they roll off. 


  • Same game continuous play 3 v 3 with rolling subs. Ifa team scores they get an extra play for a minute. 
  • No need to roll off when other team score, just keepplaying 
  • First team  to score 5 wins the set. Then start a newset.
  • Add a magic player who always plays for the possession side to create a 3 v 2.

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