Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Earth day fire shots

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Emilio Colon

Profile Summary

Emilio Colon
Name: Emilio Colon
City: Flushing
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Shooting - Laces

- Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

- In the attacking zone

- Forwards and Mids

- When we have a chance to score 

- Locking ankle

- Head down at the point of contact

- Body weight forward, chest and knee over the ball at contact

- Follow through landing on striking foot

How to shoot?

When to shoot?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro - Shooting Reps

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro - Shooting Reps
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Intro - Shooting Reps (10 mins)


- two or three teams (4 or 5)

- big goal

- 2 fields at once two pugg goals each 

Instructions: - player 1 takes touch central

- player 2 opens up wide

- player 1 passes to player 2

- players 2 receives, opens up and passes to player 3

- player 3 takes receiving touch, prep touch, and then shoots on goal

- after shot, shooting player rotates 

- players rotate - 1,2,3,1 (resting player if needed)

- first team to 10 goals wins

- fast paced 

Coaching Points/Questions: - Recognizing space to shoot as early as possible.

- Shooting quickly. (Setting ball, and taking quick steps to the ball).

- Observing the goal looks for corners 

Regressions/Progressions: - left/right foot

- add defender from opposition team, live on final pass for 1v1, add counter goals

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main - 3v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main - 3v2
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Main - 3v2 (15 mins)

Organization: - 30x25 area

- two pugg goals next to each other 

- two fields if needed

Instructions: - 3v2 to goal

- defenders win ball and score in small goals for points

- play 3min games then switch

Coaching Points: - Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

- Locking ankle

- Head down at the point of contact

- Body weight forward, chest and knee over the ball at contact

- Follow through landing on striking foot

When to shoot?

Progressions: - 3v3

Regressions: - 2v1

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition game
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Condition game (15 mins)

Organization: - (30x25)

- 3v3s

- resting team if needed

- two big goals 

Instructions: - field divided in to three zones

- Points are awarded based on zone shot came from (1,2 or 3)

- first to 5 goals wins or 3min

Coaching Points: - Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

- Locking ankle

- Head down at the point of contact

- Body weight forward, chest and knee over the ball at contact

- Follow through landing on striking foot

When to shoot?

Regressions: - No zone 3

- resting team neutrals

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Game
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Full Game (20 mins)

Organization: - game/scrimmage

Instructions: - 7v7

Coaching Points: - Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

- Locking ankle

- Head down at the point of contact

- Body weight forward, chest and knee over the ball at contact

- Follow through landing on striking foot

When to shoot?

Progressions: - first to one

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button