MIFC Girls Mini Phase Games

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Kris Farren

Profile Summary

Kris Farren
Name: Kris Farren
City: Mynydd Isa
Country: United Kingdom
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Organisation (Practice Layout & Transition)

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Kick Off

Formation: Mynydd Isa Girls: 4-4-2 |Opposition Team: 4-4-2

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Goal Kick

Formation: Mynydd Isa Girls: 4-4-2 |Opposition Team: 4-4-2


Goal Kick (In possession)

  • 2 midfielders split and position themselves out wide
  • Defender takes a central position
  • Striker positions themselves high up the pitch
  • Keepers must position the ball centrally and on the edge of the area
  • They must also wait until the opposition have fully retreated to the halfway line
  • Goalkeepers plays into one of the midfielders
  • Important that the midfielders are on the half turn and can see 3 corners of the pitch when receiving the ball
  • They are encouraged to receive the ball on their back foot
  • The player then looks to move into the space out wide, or look for a pass up to the striker
  • The striker will have started in a central position, but will move to the side of the ball and create an option for the midfielder to pass to
  • The opposite midfielder immediately tucks inside if they did not receive the ball
Goal Kick (Out of possession)
  • Midfielders and striker, spread out across the halfway and look to press as soon as the goal kick has been taken
  • The player nearest to the ball is the one that applies the pressure on the receiving midfielder
  • Defender sits centrally and a little deeper than the rest of the team
  • How quickly can the defending team win the ball back

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