Name: | aniello infante |
City: | laval |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Screen 1 (15 mins)
Coach a Team...Attaque Placée/ Built -Up....Gardien et Arriéres zone 1-2 .
-Attaque Placée or Built -up from Goalkeeper and Backs ...retaining the ball while moving up field. positioning/ spread out-creating space/ giving options / decision making/ patience/ quality the foot-ground or in air/ are some things players should keep in mind.
-Red Team will be Coached.
-Playing surface: 2/3 of the soccer field.
-Formatiom: Red Team ...4-3-1+2GK (rotating rolls / at match time yellow G/K will join blue team)
-Formation : Blue Team ...3-3-2. no GK.
- The Blue will be instructed to BLOCK at the begining of exercise, But will be asked to Press as exercise progresses.
-Distribution of soccer balls will be taken from a goal the Goalkeeper.
-Built- Up will take form from the Goalkeeper to the back line of defence men.
-Goalkeeper starts the ball from the center of the goal kick area ...depending on the oppositions postion on the field he will either pass off to his LC/B def. or his RC/B def. ( black passing lines).
-The R/def and the L/def...will play wide and high to create space and possible options for either centre back Def. (yellow solid lines) .
-Goalkeeper may chose pass off to the L/Mid or his R/Mid . again depending on the oppositions position. (red passing lines). The two midfielders will have serveral options......pass back to the center backs ...the full backs ...or the goalkeeper.... built up ...
- Objective for the Red Team is to control the ball and move upfield / to the gray shaded area/ 1 point will be earned.
- Coach Red Team : to be aware of Blue Teams / block or pressing ....
- Coach Red Team to : Good decesions, quality / quick passes, movement of players, creating space, options ,communication between G/K and back line and the rest of the team.
- Communication between the G/K and back line is very important.
-The G/K must be able to read the Blue Teams position/ strategy..(Block/ Pressing).. since this will determine to whom his first pass will be made.
- Blue Team blocks ? Red Team compact/short passes, but keeping in mind to move upfield/ point
- Blue team presses? this will create more space upfield / quicker passes and move upfiled/ point.
- The Midfielders ; left/right mid`s play low/ close to the 18 yard, option for a pass from G/K or fullBacks, Center Mid`s position, higher upand middle. Attacker plays up near the center circle/ depending on which side the first pass is made, he ll have to shift . R/L.
- ref to diagram/ positioning of players on the start/ when first pass is made by the G/K all players must ajust. This will be the coaches role to make sure all is done, and the theme`s objectives are met.
- Quick decesions, Lecture of plays , Anticipation, Attitude with or without the ball,