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Christopher Thorum

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Christopher Thorum
Name: Christopher Thorum
City: Pottstown
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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To Better Prepare the Goalkeeper to make quick reaction saves and to always be ready for the next ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1Warm Up
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Screen 1Warm Up


Groups of 4. Each non working GK has a ball at their feet standing 3-5 yards from the working GK. Play one touch back and forth from each player. Work rate of 30 seconds then switch out GK.


Same set up as above except non working GK's have the ball in their hands. Non working goalkeepers throw an over the head (throw in style) two handed service to catch and throw back. Work rate of 30 seconds then switch out.


-Weight of the pass per distance.

-Quality of passes proper technique ankle locked foot turned at a 90 degree bend.

-Proper Hand shape when catching.

-Quick reactions to passes and from throws.

-Constantly turning head to find the next ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

Player A has a ball at their feet. Player B standing 2-3 yards in front of player A and GK #1 with their legs spread apart. GK #1 stands 2 yards behind player B. GK #2 stands behind GK #1. Player A plays a pass through player B's legs for GK#1 to make a foot reaction save. Player B turns around as soon as the ball goes through their legs to face the ball and GK #1. If the deflection goes wide GK #2 will attack the ball and make a diving save. If the ball deflects in the direction of player B they make a save.

Work for a set amount of reps than rotate positions.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3

GK starts 2-3 steps away from the near post (first goal0 and then steps in line with the near post to catch a service (throw or volley based off of skill level)from player A who is standing 3-5 yards away  for the GK to catch and then throw the ball back. GK then turns their head before moving to find the second ball (player B) to move in Line and reacts to a shot from player B(about 7-8) yards away. The shot is either to feet for foot save or to hands.



-Same as above then after reaction save GK moves to get in line with shot from player C



 - Proper movement in line with the ball by turning head first to find the ball.

 - Stay in the goal when turning to find the next ball in order to give you more time to react to the shot.

 -  Proper decision on what type of save to make. EX: catch deflect with foot/.feet, hands, body etc.

 -  Get back up quickly after deflection if fall to the ground and move in line with the ball.



 - Stay in the goal wn

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4

GK starts facing a quarter turn away from player A who has the ball. GK on command turns to make save from from player A. The GK then gets up and moves in line with either player B or C depending on who player D passes to. B or C play a shot for the GK to save. GK then moves inline with player D who has a ball in their hands and then makes a throw, throw with a bounce etc for the GK to make a save.



 - Turn the head (head on a swivel) before moving to find the ball.

 - Quick reactions with what type of save to use.

 - Track the ball and move in line as quick as possible to get set before the shot.

 - Always be ready for next shot (if ball stays in play and isn't out of danger).


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button