Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Running With The Ball (Start Time: 2024-01-23 16:55:00)

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Pro-Club: SK Football Academy


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City: Zomba
Country: Malawi
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spider Tag

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spider Tag
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Spider Tag (30 mins)

Progression 1: Three players are spiders and the rest are runners. Once the runner has been tagged, he/she joins the web. Players will improve their vision of scanning as they are running away from the spider web. Coach to check quick change of direction by exploiting the space. Coach to join the web.

Progression 2: Players dribble around the area with their ball. They MUST stay away from the Spider.

The coach will start as the spider, they will have a bib as their spider web. If the spider gets close to the players, they will throw the web at the players ball. If it hit the ball the spider and player will swap. 

Spider goes to player and dribbles 

Player take the bib and looks to throw the web at another player.

Depending on numbers you can increase the number of Spiders.

- Head up, so can see the spider

- if you see the spider, Change Speed or Direction

- push the ball using laces 

-first touch away from the spider

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