Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U7/U8 Dribbling Options Red Zone

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Gareth Davies

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Gareth Davies
Name: Gareth Davies
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Dribbling activities that keep players within the rules of the mandate when in the red zone.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 1
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Dribbling Option 1 (15 mins)


 - Place two cones with balls on top 15 yards apart (Target)

 - Place two cones 5 yards in front with one cone being 2 yards diagonally from one of the target cones.

 - Split the players up, placing one half of the group at starting point 1 and the other half at starting point 2


- The attacker starts by taking a forwards touch, as soon as this has happened the defender can step out 

- The attacker attempts to shoot and knock one of the balls off the cones 

- To take the shot the player must be behind the 5 yard line and inside the closest cone to the ball they are shooting at.

- The defender must stay their side of the line and attempt to stop the attackers ball from hitting the targets

  The focus of this session is to work on the players changes of direction and speed with the ball at their feet. We are also looking for them to be able to sell a disguise in order to create a little bit of space. It is key that we have players attempting this as often as possible and so if you have more than 3 in any line, make a 2nd work setup.


 - If the players are finding it thought to hit the ball on the cone, make an adjustment to create a goal using cones rather than a ball on top of a cone.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 2
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Dribbling Option 2 (15 mins)


- 10 x 15 area

- Split the group in to pairs

- Pairs will take it in turns to be dribblers or passers

- If they are passers they will line up with one either side of the tunnel with one player having a ball

- If they are dribblers they will line up with a ball each at the end of the tunnel


- The dribblers will attempt to get from one end of the tunnel to the opposite end as many times as possible in one minute.

- The dribblers will go a maximum of two players at a time to be able to keep 2m apart

 - As the dribblers attempt to run through the passers will attempt to pass to each  other as many times as possible

- Each pair will get two goes at dribbling and 3 goes at passing.

 - Once each team has completed the above the team with the most accumulated passes and end to end dribbles wins.


 - If a ball hits another ball both teams go back to 0 for that round.

The focus for the session is for the dribblers to be aware of the balls coming in from the sides and be able to manipulate their ball to avoid a collision. The passers are looking to find a passing lane to be able to get the ball across to their partner as often as possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 3
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Dribbling Option 3


 - Create two 10 x 15 areas side by side

 - At one end of both areas place 2 cones two represent goals

 - At the opposite end of both areas place half the group of players with a ball each

 - In between the goals and the players lay down 10-15 cones tight together but with enough space that players can dribble the ball in between them


- Players will take it in turns to step out, dribble through the cones and score in the net at the opposite end

 - Once the players have had 2-3 minutes practice time, add in an element of competition by making it the first team to score 5 goals wins.

 - To keep order add a rule that player in front of you must have had their shot before you can go.


 - To encourage players to take care of the ball as they dribble, if they hit a cone they must go back to the end of their starting line.

 - Add a countdown so that we are asking players to dribble with purpose through the cones.

 - Change the goal to a ball on top of a cone or a wider cone goal depending on if you want to make it easier or harder.

  The focus of this session is to get the players thinking a little more about the kind of dribbling they need to employ in tight spaces. We add the progressions to give the game a little more pressure and make it more relevant to if their was opposition involved.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 4
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Dribbling Option 4


 - Players spread out in a 25 x 25 yard area

 - Three players are given a cone that they must hold while also having the ball at their feet

 - The remainder of the players will have a ball at their feet 


- The players without the cone will run around the area attempting to keep the ball away from players with the cones

- The players with the cones will attempt to pass their ball off the other players balls


1. Freeze tag: If your ball is hit you must pick your ball up and hold it in the air above your head. The only way you can be freed is if a player on your team passes their ball through your legs.

2. Defenders Points: Each player in the group of 3 defenders is trying to get the most points by hitting an attackers ball. The defender with the most points at the end of the time limit wins.

3. Attackers Points: Each attacker starts with 3 points, they have to try and keep their three points throughout the time limit. Every time they are hot they lose a point.

The focus of this session is to work on the players changes of direction and speed with the ball at their feet. We are also looking for them to be able to recognize where the trouble is an manipulate the ball to keep it safe and out of the way of the defenders as much as possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 5
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Dribbling Option 5


 - Place 4 cones in a zig zag each cone 8 yards from the last on a  diagonal

 - Split the group in 2 or 3 depending on the numbers

 - Each player will start with a ball 

 - Place a goal/target at the end of each teams zig zag


- The players will dribble through the zig zag protecting the ball at each cone before travelling to the next one

- Wen protecting the ball the players will turn away from the cone and back towards the start line keeping their body between the ball and the cone (defender)

- Once at the end of the zig zag the player will attempt to hit the target

- Once the person in front has reached the 2nd cone the next player will take their turn

- The coach will show demonstrations of different parts of the foot that the players can turn with at the cones e.g. Inside/outside/sole

- To make it competitive we can see which team can score the most goals, knock the ball off the cone or hit the target.

 - It could also be competitive within the group where it is the players that scores the most goals wins

  The focus of this session is for the players to think about turning away from danger and using their bodies to protect the ball when doing so. We will also have a thought to changing direction and speed and what we need to do in order to make that happen. The coach may need to work with individuals to reinforce the idea of protecting the ball as they turn and doing a loop di loop

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 6
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Dribbling Option 6


- Split the group in to pairs 

- Place two cones 10 yards apart, one of the pair will stand centrally between the two cones 

- Place another two cones 10 yards apart 3M from the original cones, the 2nd player will stand centrally between these two cones

- Each group will number their cones 1 and 2


- The players will stat with one hand in the air to let each other know that they are ready.

- On the coaches call of one of the numbers the players will race to the corresponding cone of the call

- First one to their respective cone wins the point.

- This would also be a great opportunity to allow the players take responsibility for their learning by asking them to call the numbers for their own groups. 


- Add a ball and rather than them having to run their they must dribble and stop their ball on the cone.

 - Ball must be moving when they are waiting 

The focus for this session is players ability to play from audio triggers, quick reactions and ball manipulation skills. This should be a fun exercise for the players while also generating a competitive edge.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 7
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Dribbling option 7


- Create 2 lines of big cones 5 yards directly opposite each other with 5 yards in between each cone in the line

- Place a line of cones 8-10 yards either side of the line of big cones

- Place a player at each cone with a ball facing away from the players at the cone opposite them


 - On the coaches signal the players will have 5 seconds dribble away from their cone to the outside line and back, before attempting to knock over the player opposites cone

- The players must be behind their own cone when they take the shot at the oppositions cone

- If the player is able to hit the opposite cone they get a point

- After 5 goes the player with the most points in the pair will move up the line and the player with the least points will move down the line

- If it is a tie the players will play rock paper scissors to see who moves

- The winning player is the player who wins the final round at the top of the line


The focus for the session is for players to develop their dribbling, and running with the ball at speed. We are looking to see who is able to think about when  to have small touches and when to have big touches. There will also be an opportunity turns and passing with the correct part of the foot. This is designed to be fun and brig out a little competition in the players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 8

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 8
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Dribbling option 8


- Create a 8x8x8 for each player

- Each player will then stand in their own triangle without a ball

- Each player will number their cones 1/2/3


- Each player will start in the middle of their cone doing a movement. Its fun and gives the players ownership if they are given the chance to choose the movements for the group

- On the coaches call of a number it will be a race between the players to see who can put their foot on that number cone first.

- Award points for players that get to the cone quickest


- Introduce a ball for each player

- The players will now attempt to get their ball touching the cone that is called the quickest.

- While the players are waiting to compete they will be doing a ball movement of either the coaches or the players choosing

The focus for the session is ball manipulations, changes of speed and direction, and control. This is a fun sharp session that will keep the players on their toes and will demand that they stay in control of the ball in order to be successful.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 9

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling option 9
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Dribbling option 9


- 15 x 20 area

- Split the group in to 2 teams, starting at opposite sides of the area

- Place all cones available in the area evenly spread out with half the correct way up and half upside down

- Each player starts with a ball


 - Each team will be given a way in which they have to turn the cones (Correct way = domes, upside down = dishes)

- On the coaches call the players will take it in turns to dribble out, flick the cone over with their foot and then dribble back.

- Once the player is back the next person can go


- Allow the players to go in pairs to flip over the cones

- The cone must be flipped over using the players weaker foot

- If their ball touches a cone they are not allowed to turn a cone over and have to go straight back to the start

The focus for the session is dribbling at speed, while staying in control of the ball. This session is designed to be fun, social for the players all on the same team and again develop a sense of competitiveness.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 10

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Option 10
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Dribbling Option 10


- 20 x 20 area

- On each corner of the area place a 2-3 yard gate that straddles the corner

- 7 yards out from the gate place a shooting cone 

- Players will be split in to  groups with each player starting with a ball

- Each group will start in line with the shooting cone to the right of the gate 


 -  On the coaches call the players will attempt to score in all gates as quick as they can, by dribbling out from the starting point, around the cone and passing in to the gate.

  - Once they have scored in one gate they will ten go and join the lien at another gate until they have completed all 4

 - Players that are waiting in line are allowed to go as soon as the player in front of them has passed the ball

 - Players must stay 2m apart when in line 


- Reverse the direction so they are coming around the cone from the other side

- Make the goals smaller or bigger depending on success

 - Form pairs and give the players a time limit for how many they can score while working together.

The focus for the session is to develop dribbling at speed, ball manipulation in tight areas and passing techniques. The program is about development and so the small progressions available will test the players in different ways and making them think that little bit more about how they achieve the goal/objective.

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