Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): AS_W5_Turning

Profile Summary

Alan Lydiate
Name: Alan Lydiate
City: Hagerstown
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ABC's Relay Race

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ABC's Relay Race
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ABC's Relay Race Create Video:

ABC's Relay Race (10 mins)


  • Players zig-zag through the cones & go around the mannequin/cone then they sprint back & give the next player in line a high-five  
  • First team to get all players through & back wins a point 
  • Mirror session: don't have too many players standing in one line 3-4 players per line is recommended 


  • Add a ball
  • Make distances larger or smaller depending on desired outcomes/age & ability


  • Change of speed
  • Change of direction
  • Close control

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stuck in the Mud

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stuck in the Mud
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stuck in the Mud Create Video:

Stuck in the Mud (10 mins)


  • One player starts as the 'mud person' & the rest are trying to avoid getting tagged
  • If tagged they must do 5 jumping jacks, skips, bunny hops, hop on one foot, etc. & they are back in the game 
  • When adding a ball the mud person must use their foot to touch the other players ball

  • Add a ball 
  • Make the area larger/smaller
  • Add more 'mud people' 
  • If tagged (with ball) they must do 5 toe taps, step overs, pull backs, etc. & they are back in the game 

  • Change of speed
  • Change of direction
  • Disguise intentions
  • Protect the ball
  • How do you change your speed to trick the other players? Answer: 'I run fast like a cheetah then slow down like a sneaky turtle!'
  • How do you change directions to trick the other players? Answer: 'I turn like a race car, zig-zagging like a bunny!'
  • How do you disguise your intentions while dribbling? Answer: 'I use the inside, outside, & sole like a sneaky ninja!' 
  • How do you protect the ball from the mud person? Answer: 'I use my shield like a knight, putting my body between the ball & the mud person!'

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sonic the Hedgehog 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sonic the Hedgehog 1v1
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sonic the Hedgehog 1v1 Create Video:

Sonic the Hedgehog 1v1 (10 mins)


15Wx20L yard grid, place 2 goals on the end line; 1 goal close to each corner. 

Divide the players into 2 teams, set up as above. 

When the coach serves a ball onto the field, 1st player from each team chases after it.

Whoever wins the ball tries to score in either goal, if the defender wins it back they become the attacker trying to score in either goal.  

Key Points

  • Be first to the ball

What do you need to do to be first to the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 Small-Sided

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 Small-Sided
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 Small-Sided Create Video:

4v4 Small-Sided (20 mins)



30x20 yards

Kick In or Dribble In

Encourage theme of the practice

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button