Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing & Receiving Technical/Skill Session - C Certificate Course

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Dan Williams

Profile Summary

Dan Williams
Name: Dan Williams
City: Swansea
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Organisation (Practice Layout & Transition)

20 yard x 20 yard area.

Technical Session is laid out in a diamond shape to enable the players to complete a shorter and longer pass during the practise.

Players are bibbed up before the practise in 4 x 3 different colour bibs to maximise ball rolling time when switching from the technical practise to the skill practise. 

Layout Transition is completed by moving the two inner cones to create a divide through the centre of the pitch/area, as per the diagrams, and create the skill practise.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (10 mins)

Practise Content

Players work in groups of 6, 6 working on the inner diamond and 6 on the outer diamond, passing the ball clockwise/anticlockwise depending on coaches instructions.

Players will pass the ball to the next base and then follow their pass. 

Key coaching points relate to mechanics 5 and 6, striking the centre of the ball, with a firm ankle and with the correct amount of power to ensure the ball reaches its intended target. 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progressions -

  • Change ball direction (clockwise/anticlockwise) on coach instruction
  • Add an additional ball into the rotation 
Regressions - 

  • Shorten the area to improve player chance of success
Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Challenges - 

  • Players to use the most appropriate foot to pass the ball, depending on direction of practise. E.G. practise is moving clockwise, players to use left foot to execute their pass to the next base
  • Limit number of touches player can take before passing the ball - increases focus on getting the angle of approach (mechanic 3) right following first touch/control

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill
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Skill (10 mins)

Practise Content

This Skill Practise is a 4 V 4 + 4 possession session, split into a 2 V 2 + 2 in each half of the pitch.

Players aim is to pass the ball through the middle line of the pitch to a team mate when the opportunity arises to do so, where the practise continues. 

This action continues until the defending team win possession of the ball and then they try to replicate.

The Blue Support Players are able to influence the game by creating space/overloads on the outside of the pitch using the areas highlighted by the green lines. Support players are only able to move between the outside red cones. 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression - 

  • Can the team in possession involve both blue support players before transferring the ball across the centre of the pitch (switch direction of possession/attack)
  • Blue support players can be tackled by defending team 
  • One defending player from the opposite side of the practise can enter the side in possession to create a 4 V 3 rather than a 4 V 2
Regression - 

  • Remove one defender from the side in possession to increase chances of success
Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Challenges - 

  • How many times can the green team transfer the ball across the centre of the pitch without losing possession in 90 seconds             
Conditions - 

  • Team must make a set number of passes before transferring the ball to the opposite side of the practise      

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button