Hockey Session (Under 12s): P5-P7 26-28 Feb

Profile Summary

R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Coaches and Teachers please use the opportunity of smaller numbers to engage with the exercise and help players with tackling and channelling technique.

If enough time, play 6v6 on a quarter pitch, especially for P5s and P6s

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Focus

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Focus
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Defensive Focus

Tackle Boxes

Setup as shown

Start as 1 vs 1 (A)

  • Attacking Player 1 runs down the line and collects a ball and tries to score through the goal at the opposite end (must pass demarcated scoring zone)
  • Defending Player 4 runs down the line of cones and enters the playing area to defend. They may not stand in scoring zone and must try to go to the attacker to make a tackle
  • If defender wins the ball then they can try to score at the other end

Focus on tackling techniques (body approach, wait for tackle timing, stay low)

Progress to 3v3 (B)

  • 1 passes to 4/5 or 6 and who then try attack 2 sets of small goals (they must dribble through to score.) 
  • 1/2 and 3 try to win the ball back and may shoot to one set of larger goals on sideline
  • Discuss channelling (one player tries to channel the ball-carrier to the tackler's strong side)
  • If there is a goalkeeper, use them in the single goal

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